Gabriela Esperón
Playing with maths: GeoGebra application for meaningful education
This paper is about a mini-course that we developed to train teachers, how to teach basic mathematic concepts to their students by relating those concepts to a popular game like "Candy Crush". In order to facilitate this process, we used GeoGebra, a free and open source application that is frequently used for teaching mathematics. The Mini-Course is being delivered through a WordPress platform. This idea may be extended, afterwards, to other mathematical concepts and other games.
Búsqueda de la calidad del aprendizaje mediante herramientas de inteligencia artificial
Este trabajo expone, mediante el uso de tecnicas de mineria de datos e inteligencia artificial, una alternativa para determinar posibles factores ajenos a los academicos que puedan interferir de manera positiva o negativa en la calidad del aprendizaje de estudiantes universitarios del area de Matematica. Para tal fin se relevo una serie de datos socioeconomicos considerados relevantes por especialistas, sociologos y pedagogos, incorporando adicionalmente una serie de evaluaciones predisenadas con aspectos conceptuales, algebraicos y de modelizacion. Se emplea el metodo de clasificacion bietapico el cual es una herramienta de exploracion disenada para descubrir las agrupaciones naturales (o …
Prelogical Test: An Alternative Tool for Early Detection of Learning Difficulties
Abstract Difficulties during the preschool age commonly lead to children who cannot solve problems, organize information and create meaning. It is necessary to predict factors that may affect their future learning. The aim is to develop an evaluation tool, to be applied in groups and that can easily evaluate results, to detect future learning problems in children of 3-6 years old. Computational intelligence techniques could contribute greatly to analyze results and to detect patterns that otherwise would not be apparent. Two protocols were implemented: an Indirect Variables Protocol (IVP) which captures children's personal data, and a Direct Variables Protocol (DVP) that assesses the graphi…