E. Spooner
Equivalent circuit analysis of solid-rotor induction machines with reference to turbocharger accelerator applications
Theoretical, numerical and experimental studies are described that have been carried out to develop a solid-rotor induction machine design for a particularly demanding application as an accelerator drive for a diesel engine turbocharger. In this application the turbo-motor will be required to operate at speeds of up to 130 000 rpm and in temperatures that can exceed 200°C. The results show that the equivalent circuit gives predictions that are of sufficient precision for design purposes and provides a useful design tool. It is shown that the use of a solid rotor affects the value of the stator leakage reactance and influences the motor performance through this effect as well as by presentin…
Solid rotor induction machines for use in electrically-assisted turbochargers
The stator leakage reactance has a major influence on the performance of a solid rotor induction machine. It is larger and it is more difficult to define and calculate than in a cage-rotor machine. When the higher leakage reactance is taken into account, the equivalent circuit model gives predictions of sufficient precision for design purposes. The airgap, normally chosen to be quite small, is preferably quite large by general standards. The torque varies as (V/f) 3 which makes it difficult to provide a wide range of constant power operation in a variable speed application. Slitting the rotor helps to improve the characteristic for variable-speed duties.