Bijan Parsia
OWL2: The Next Step for OWL
Since achieving W3C recommendation status in 2004, the Web Ontology Language (OWL) has been successfully applied to many problems in computer science. Practical experience with OWL has been quite positive in general; however, it has also revealed room for improvement in several areas. We systematically analyze the identied short-comings of OWL, such as expressivity issues, problems with its syntaxes, and deficiencies in the definition of OWL species. Furthermore, we present an overview of OWL 2 -- an extension to and revision of OWL that is currently being developed within the W3C OWL Working Group. Many aspects of OWL have been thoroughly reengineered in OWL 2, thus producing a robust plat…
Working with Multiple Ontologies on the Semantic Web.
The standardization of the second generation Web Ontology Language, OWL, leaves a crucial issue for Web-based ontologies unsatisfactorily resolved: how to represent and reason with multiple distinct, but linked, ontologies. OWL provides the owl:imports construct which, roughly, allows Web ontologies to include other Web ontologies, but only by merging all the linked ontologies into a single logical "space". Recent work on multidimensional logics, fusions and other combinations of modal logics, distributed and contextual logics, and the like have tried to find formalisms wherein knowledge bases (and their logic) are kept more distinct but yet affect each other. These formalisms have various …
Pellet: A Practical OWL-DL Reasoner
In this paper, we present a brief overview of Pellet: a complete OWL-DL reasoner with acceptable to very good performance, extensive middleware, and a number of unique features. Pellet is the first sound and complete OWL-DL reasoner with extensive support for reasoning with individuals (including nominal support and conjunctive query), user-defined datatypes, and debugging support for ontologies. It implements several extensions to OWL-DL including a combination formalism for OWL-DL ontologies, a non-monotonic operator, and preliminary support for OWL/Rule hybrid reasoning. Pellet is written in Java and is open source.
Swoop: A Web Ontology Editing Browser
In this paper, we describe Swoop, a hypermedia inspired Ontology Browser and Editor based on OWL, the recently standardized Web-oriented ontology language. After discussing the design rationale and architecture of Swoop, we focus mainly on its features, using illustrative examples to highlight its use. We demonstrate that with its web-metaphor, adherence to OWL recommendations and key unique features such as Collaborative Annotation using Annotea, Swoop acts as a useful and efficient web ontology development tool. We conclude with a list of future plans for Swoop, that should further increase its overall appeal and accessibility.
Combining OWL ontologies usingE-Connections
The standardization of the Web Ontology Language (OWL) leaves (at least) two crucial issues for Web-based ontologies unsatisfactorily resolved, namely how to represent and reason with multiple distinct, but linked ontologies, and how to enable effective knowledge reuse and sharing on the Semantic Web. In this paper, we present a solution for these fundamental problems based on E-Connections. We aim to use E-Connections to provide modelers with suitable means for developing Web ontologies in a modular way and to provide an alternative to the owl:imports construct. With such motivation, we present in this paper a syntactic and semantic extension of the Web Ontology language that covers E-Conn…
Combining OWL Ontologies Using -Connections
The standardization of the Web Ontology Language, OWL, leaves (at least) two crucial issues for Web-based ontologies unsatisfactorily resolved, namely how to represent and reason with multiple distinct, but linked ontologies, and how to enable effective knowledge reuse and sharing on the Semantic Web. In this paper, we present a solution for these fundamental problems based on ℇ-Connections. We aim to use ℇ-Connections to provide modelers with suitable means for developing Web ontologies in a modular way and to provide an alternative to the owl:imports construct. With such motivation, we present in this paper a syntactic and semantic extension of the Web Ontology language that covers ℇ-Conn…