F. Lehmann
Ein Auswerteprogramm zur quantitativen Untersuchung der Lungenventilation mittels dynamischer MRT von hochpolarisiertem 3He
Purpose: 3 He-MRI is able to visualize the regional distribution of lung ventilation with a temporal and spatial resolution so far unmatched by any other technique. The aim of the study was the development of a new software tool for quantification of dynamic ventilation parameters in absolute physical units. Materials and Methods: During continuous breathing, a bolus of hyperpolarized 3 He (300 ml) was applied at inspiration and a series of 168 coronal projection images simultaneously acquired using a 2D FLASH-sequence. Postprocessing software was developed to analyze the 3 He distribution in the lung. After correction for lung motion, several ventilation parameters (rise time, delay time, …
Ein Auswerteprogramm zur quantitativen Analyse von Messungen des alveolären Sauerstoffpartialdrucks (pAO2) mit der sauerstoffsensitiven 3He-MR-Tomographie
Purpose: To develop a software tool for quantitative analysis of alveolar oxygen partial pressure (p A O 2 ) as well as its time course during apnea. Material and Methods: T 1 -relaxation times of hyperpolarized 3 He are reduced by paramagnetic oxygen rendering 3 He-MRI sensitive to oxygen and thus allowing the assessment of the local oxygen partial pressure in the pulmonary airspaces. Oxygen-related relaxation and loss of polarization by RF-excitation can be discriminated by acquiring two image series with varying interscan delay and/or flip angles. Software was developed to calculate the p A O 2 and the decay rate in user-defined regions of interest (ROIs) automatically. Moreover, paramet…
CCDC 684502: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: F.Lehmann, D.Schollmeyer, S.Laufer|2008|Acta Crystallogr.,Sect.E:Struct.Rep.Online|64|o701|doi:10.1107/S160053680800487X