Reino Lammi
PCDDs, PCDFs, PCDTs, PCBs and some other organochlorine compounds in pine needles exposed to pulp and paper mill emissions and effects of waste combustion on the concentrations
Concentrations of semivolatile chlorinated organic compounds α-HCH, lindane, HCB, DDT, DDE, DDD, chlordanes and PCBs, and low-volatility compounds PCDDs, PCDFs and PCDTs in pine needles in a recipient area of the emissions from a pulp and paper mill where also waste combustion was done were measured. Mostly, the concentrations were found to be near the background levels. Elevated concentrations of HCB, some PCB congeners and some HxCDF isomers in samples from two sampling points were observed. Some other possible point sources of these compounds are situated in the vicinity of the pulp and paper mill.. Also the community of Pietarsaari is one possible source of the slightly elevated concent…
Chlorinated phenolic compounds in coniferous needles. Effects of metal and paper industry and incineration
Abstract Pine needles were analyzed for their contents of chlorinated phenolic compounds. Altogether about 30 samples from surroundings of a metal scrap plant, a pulp and paper mill, a hazardous waste incinerator and reference samples outside of the immediate influence of these were analyzed by GC/ECD and GC/MS. Most phenolic compounds in the needles were found to be bound to the plant material and were not extractable as such by organic solvents. The concentrations of some bound chlorinated phenolic compounds were on level of 1–300 ng/g in dried needle. For many compounds the concentrations were remarkably higher in the three years old needles compared to the concentrations in the one and …
Alkylated dibenzothiophenes in pine needles from pulp and paper mill environment
Abstract Concentrations of alkylated dibenzothiophenes (C n DBTs) in pine needles in a recipient area of the emissions from a pulp and paper mill where also waste combustion was done were measured. The concentrations (ng/g dry weight) of C 1 DBTs were in the range of 2 DBTs in the range of 3 DBTs in the range of 3 DBTs] > [C 2 DBTs] > [C 1 DBTs]. The pulp mill could not be shown to be the source of C 1 C 3 DBTs in the pine needles. Other possible sources are situated in the vicinity of the pulp and paper mill. Long-range transport, either, cannot be excluded as a possible source.
Organic chlorine compounds in lake sediments. III. Chlorohydrocarbons, free and chemically bound chlorophenols
Abstract Chlorohydrocarbons and free and chemically bound chlorophenols, catechols and guaiacols were measured from lake sediments in Central Finland. Chlorohydrocarbons occurred at low backround levels except chlorocymenes from pulp mills and PCBs near the city of Aanekoski, where a local leakage occurrs. Free chlorophenols (hexane extractables) were found in all 18 areas studied, but the bound ones (extracted with strong alkali) only in the pulp mill reciepient lakes where they dominated. Preliminary analyses of chemically bound chlorophenols in high molecular fractions of spent bleach liquors and pulp mill effluents indicated that majority of chlorocatechols and guaiacols are bound alrea…
Free and bound chlorophenols in kraft pulp bleaching effluents
Abstract Free (F; hexane extractable) and chemically bound (B; alkali extractable) chlorophenols, catechols and guaiacols were measured from effluents of the C and E stages of chlorobleaching of kraft softwood pulp. Ratio B/F was in moste cases nearly one, but for tetrachloroguaiacol B/F was 20 in C and 2.70 in E stage. Organically bound chlorine (OCl) in chlorophenols was less than one percent of the total AOX (Adsorbable Organic Halogen) emitted.