Vitālijs Lazarenko

Use of Wood Ash in the Forest and its Effect on the Concentration of Essential and Heavy Metallic Elements in Soil and Blueberries <i>(Vaccinium myrtillus L.)</i>

The aim of this research is to evaluate the influence of wood ash as an additive fertilizer to forest soil and growing blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) in terms of metallic element content. To evaluate the effect of wood ash on the forest ecosystem, was selected two forest areas which was fertilized with a certain amount of wood ash (bottom ash and fly ash). The selected forest areas were divided into two types of sampling plots (fertilized with ash and control). Obtained results showed that in the bottom ash dispersion area the concentration of Ca, K, Ni, Cu is almost twice higher in the fertilized plots than control plots. In the blueberries, metallic element content is similar and do…

research product

Lichens <i>(Xanthoria parietina)</i> - Bio-Indicators for Sulphur and Metallic Elements for Pollution Investigation in Riga City

The aim of the research was to investigate the pollution level of sulphur and metallic elements in Riga city (Freeport of Riga, Kundziņsala, Mežaparks) by using foliose lichens (Xanthoriaparietina) as a bio-indicators. Obtained results show that the Freeport of Riga is the most polluted area comparing with other neatest places in Riga city, Kundziņsala and Mežaparks. Evaluate a washing effect, obtained results shows that lichen thallus contains about 50 % of total amount of sulphur and investigated elements as dust particles on the surface of lichens.

research product

Fosfora, sēra un slāpekļa variācijas ķērpjos atkarībā no to augšanas vietas

Fosfora, sēra un slāpekļa variācijas ķērpjos atkarībā no to augšanas vietas. Lazarenko V., zinātniskā darba vadītāja Ķīm. mag., lektore Balcerbule Z. Bakalaura darbs, 53 lpp., 18 attēli, 19 tabulas, 43 literatūras avoti, 5 pielikumi. Latviešu valodā. Darbā ir analizēts fosfora, sēra un slāpekļa saturs ķērpjos, kas tika ievākti bijušās Kupravas drenu cauruļu rūpnīcas teritorijā (Kupravas pagasts), bijušās izgāztuves teritorijā Kubulu pagastā un Sitas mežā Kubulu pagastā. Veicot ķērpju sauso mineralizāciju, jonometriski nitrātu veidā tika noteikts slāpekļa saturs, turbidimetriski sērs un fotometriski fosfors. Pielāgota Kjeldāla metode slāpekļa noteikšanai ķērpjos. Sēra un fosfora noteikšanai …

research product

Koksnes pelnu ietekme uz ķīmisko elementu saturu meža augsnē un mellenēs (Vaccinium myrtillus L.)

Koksnes pelnu ietekme uz ķīmisko elementu saturu meža augsnē un mellenēs (Vaccinium myrtillus L.). Lazarenko V., zinātniskā darba vadītāja Dr. chem., doc. Vita Rudoviča. Maģistra darbs, 57 lpp., 18 attēli, 19 tabulas, 102 literatūras avoti, 15 pielikumi. Latviešu valodā. Darbā tika pētīta koksnes pelnu ietekme uz ķīmisko elementu saturu meža augsnē un mellenēs (Vaccinium myrtillus L.). Pētījuma ietvaros tika analizēts makro-, mikro- un retzemju elementu saturs, ka arī to plūsma dažādās melleņu augu daļās. Paraugi tika ievākti meža teritorijās, kurās augsne tika mēslota ar koksnes pelniem. Meža augsne un mellenes (stādu saknes, stublāji, lapas, ogas) tika mineralizētas ar slapjo mineralizāci…

research product

Variations of some Metallic Elements in Different Parts of Lingonberries <i>(Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.)</i>

The aim of the research was to evaluate the content of metallic elements in different parts of lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) depending on their place of growth and evaluate the transfer factor values from between different parts of plants (fine roots, leaves, berries). Obtained results show that there are no significant differences between the content of Fe, Cu, Zn and K, and there are similar element transfer factors between different parts of lingonberries independent from which site the samples are taken.

research product