Gil Fanjoux
Shot-by-shot frequency calibration of CARS spectra: Application to the measurement of the collisional line shift in oxygen
A technique using a Fabry-Perot interferometer has been developed to calibrate high-resolution spectra obtained by Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS). This technique was used to measure simultaneously the Raman frequency and the Raman signal at each laser shot. We demonstrate the accuracy of the method by measuring theQ(15) line shifts of molecular oxygen due to collisions with oxygen and water vapour.
Study of collisional effects on band shapes of the ν1/2ν2 Fermi dyad in CO2 gas with stimulated Raman spectroscopy. III. Modeling of collisional narrowing and study of vibrational shifting and broadening at high temperature
High resolution stimulated Raman spectra (SRS) of the ν1/2ν2 Fermi dyad of CO2 have been recorded in the 0.4–22. amagat density range at 700 K and in the 0.6–16 amagat density range at 900 K. The data have been successfully analyzed with a theoretical model taking into account both rotational line mixing through the energy corrected sudden‐polynomial (ECS‐P) law for the relaxation matrix and vibrational line broadening γv and line shifting δv. The two vibrational parameters have been accurately determined from fit to the experimental spectra. These new high temperature data together with previous data obtained at 295 and 500 K [B. Lavorel et al., J. Chem. Phys. 93, 2176 (1990); B. Lavorel e…
Scaling laws for inelastic collision processes in diatomic molecules
International audience
Collisional shifting and broadening coefficients for the rovibrational anisotropic S(J) lines of nitrogen studied by inverse Raman spectroscopy
0377-0486; Line shifting and broadening coefficients of the anisotropic S(J) lines (v = 0, J --> v = 1, J + 2) of the nitrogen molecule were measured at room temperature using high-resolution stimulated Raman spectroscopy. A rotational quantum number dependence of the S(J) line shifts was observed. In order to avoid an asymmetry of experimental origin, a suitable theoretical profile was fitted to the experimental lineshapes. This study allows the testing of the theoretical methods for calculating the line broadening coefficients in anisotropic Raman scattering, which have already been used in the analysis of infrared absorption data. The behaviour of the modified sum rule and the RPA (rando…
Collisional shifting and broadening coefficients for the rovibrational anisotropic lines of the ν1/2ν2 fermi dyad in CO2 gas studied by stimulated Raman spectroscopy
High-resolution stimulated Raman spectroscopy was applied to the study of collisional broadening and shifting for rovibrational anisotropic Raman lines of the Fermi dyad of molecular carbon dioxide. The O(J) lines of the ν1 band and the S(J) lines of the 2ν2 band were recorded at 295 K. The pressure-induced line shifts were obtained and compared with the overall shift of the high-density Raman Q-branch. A rotational quantum number dependence of the rovibrational line broadening coefficients was observed. The experimental line broadening coefficients were used in order to check the ability of two theoretical methods (random phase approximation and sum rule) for calculating the line broadenin…
Determination of temperature by stimulated raman scattering of molecular nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide
We have determined the temperature from SRS spectra of N2-N2, N2-CO2, O2-O2, and CO2-CO2 recorded in wide pressure and temperature ranges. The fitting procedure takes simultaneously into account the Dicke effect and motional narrowing. We have quantified the accuracy of the MEG and ECS-P models for rotational relaxation. The temperature extracted from each model is compared with thermocouple measurements. The influence of vibrational broadening and shifting is discussed in detail.
Supercontinuum Generation and Intermodal Four-Wave Mixing in a Step-Index Few-Mode Fibre
International audience; The complex spatiotemporal dynamics of nonlinear light propagation in multimode fibers (MMFs) has recently witnessed a renewed interest because of their experimental realization in emerging key areas of laser physics and fiber optics [1]. Specifically, MMFs have a number of linear and nonlinear optical properties that make them very attractive to investigate new spatiotemporal effects fundamentally different from standard single-mode fibers. These include the observation of multimode solitons [2], intermodal four-wave mixing (FWM) [3], geometric parametric instabilities [4], spatial beam self-cleaning [5], and the generation of supercontinuum (SC) light when pumping …
Pressure broadening, shift, and interference effect for a multiplet line in the rovibrational anisotropic stimulated raman spectrum of molecular oxygen
0022-2852; High-resolution stimulated inverse Raman spectroscopy has been applied to the study of collisional broadening, shifting, and line mixing for the O-o(J, N = 5) triplet line of the fundamental vibrational band of molecular oxygen. Accurate line broadening coefficients for the individual J components within the triplet have been measured for the first time and show a significant J dependence. The line broadening coefficients are larger than those previously obtained for unresolved pure rotational Raman lines. The additional broadening is expected to result from electronic spin relaxation. The pressure-induced line shift has been obtained for this Line and compared to the value obtai…
Génération de supercontinuum par cascade de mélanges à quatre ondes intermodaux dans une fibre optique multimode à saut d'indice
International audience
Intense Stimulated Raman Scattering in CO2-filled Hollow Core Fiber
International audience; Frequency combs are of constant significant interest for their use in diverse areas of physics ranging from metrology to biomedical and environmental spectroscopy. One of interesting techniques to obtain multi-octave comb-like optical spectra is based on generation of higher-order stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in a hollow-core photonic crystal fibers (HC-PCFs) filled with hydrogen gas [1]. The ability of these types of fibers to strongly confine together gases and laser pump, while keeping their interaction length over several meters, has allowed to reduce, by six-order of magnitude, the laser power in comparison to previous equivalent techniques using a gas cell…
Supercontinuum generation by cascaded intermodal Raman and FWM processes in step-index few-mode fibers
International audience; This work shows that step-index few-mode fibers can be combined with a simple microchip picosecond laser to give a multi-octave spanning supercontinuum output by cascaded Raman scattering and intermodal FWM.