Mika Aurela

Remote sensing of sunlight-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and reflectance of Scots pine in the boreal forest during spring recovery

A measurement campaign to assess the feasibility of remote sensing of sunlight-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) from a coniferous canopy was conducted in a boreal forest study site (Finland). A Passive Multi-wavelength Fluorescence Detector (PMFD) sensor, developed in the LURE laboratory, was used to obtain simultaneous measurements of ChlF in the oxygen absorption bands, at 687 and 760 nm, and a reflectance index, the PRI (Physiological Reflectance Index), for a month during spring recovery. When these data were compared with active fluorescence measurements performed on needles they revealed the same trend. During sunny days fluorescence and reflectance signals were found to be str…

research product

Retrieval of daily gross primary production over Europe and Africa from an ensemble of SEVIRI/MSG products

The main goal of this paper is to derive a method for a daily gross primary production (GPP) product over Europe and Africa taking the full advantage of the SEVIRI/MSG satellite products from the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) sensors delivered from the Satellite Application Facility for Land Surface Analysis (LSA SAF) system. Special attention is paid to model the daily GPP response from an optimized Montheith's light use efficiency model under dry conditions by controlling water shortage limitations from the actual evapotranspiration and the potential evapotranspiration (PET). The PET was parameterized using the mean daily air temperatur…

research product

The ABCflux database: Arctic-Boreal CO<sub>2</sub> flux observations and ancillary information aggregated to monthly time steps across terrestrial ecosystems

Abstract. Past efforts to synthesize and quantify the magnitude and change in carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems across the rapidly warming Arctic-Boreal Zone (ABZ) have provided valuable information, but were limited in their geographical and temporal coverage. Furthermore, these efforts have been based on data aggregated over varying time periods, often with only minimal site ancillary data, thus limiting their potential to be used in large-scale carbon budget assessments. To bridge these gaps, we developed a standardized monthly database of Arctic-Boreal CO2 fluxes (ABCflux) that aggregates in-situ measurements of terrestrial net ecosystem CO2 exchange and its derived …

research product