A. P. Kozlova
Study of the defects in La3Ta0.5Ga5.5O14 single crystals
Abstract Defects that are formed during crystal growth pose a serious obstacle for potential application of La 3 Ga 5.5 Ta 0.5 O 14 (LGT) as a laser or piezoelectric crystal. We have performed the study of the defects origin in LGT crystals grown in different atmospheres using optical, EPR and time-resolved luminescence characterization methods. The absorption bands detected in the transparency region at 290, 360 and 490 nm ( T =300 K) demonstrate different dependence on crystal annealing in vacuum and air. EPR analysis demonstrated that the defects responsible for these bands are non-paramagnetic. X-ray irradiation results in hole trapping by oxygen ions thus forming O − centers perturbed …
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The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the Research Project No. 19-08-00655. V.P. acknowledges the State Research Program ‘Aug-stas enerģijas fizika un paātrinātāju tehnoloģijas’ (Projekta Nr. VPP-IZM-CERN-2020/1-0002). The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-Teaming Phase2 under Grant Agreement No. 739508, Project CAMART2.