Agnieszka Tłuczak

The effectiveness of the autoregressive models in forecasting the agricultural prices in Poland

The forecast of agricultural prices is one of the most important factors in making decision on production farms. The appropriate forecast allows for limiting the risk connected with one’s economic activity. In this study autoregressive models have been used, which helped to determine the price forecast for agricultural products in the purchasing centers in the second half of 2010. To determine the quality of forecast the average ex-post errors of the past forecasts have been used. The achieved results show that autoregressive models are an effective tool in forecasting the agricultural prices in Poland.

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Sustainable consumption takes inspiration from the newest trends in economics which is a collaborative economy. This type of economy changes the model of organization and distribution based on sharing, using and creating together. The basic aim of this study is pointing out a purpose of a collaborating economy in the accomplishment of sustained consumption rules and in a conscious and self-motivated limit of personal consumption to the purpose of co-sharing. This task is going to be achieved with empirical verification of consumers behavior based on answers to a questionnaire. Research has confirmed the suggested hypothesis. People want to attend in collaborative consumption, which is posit…

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Regionalna specjalizacja produkcji rolnej w Polsce

Agriculture is a very specific sector of the economy, significantly different from other economic activities. One of the main distinguishing characteristics of agricultural production is its nature and strong dependence on the environmental conditions. These conditions determine to a large extent, the nature of agricultural production and its structure (crop/animal). The accession of Poland to the EU in 2004 and access to EU funds (subsidies for farmers under different EU programs) often were the cause of change in the current profile of farm activities. Therefore, it seems reasonable to examine the changes in the specialization of agricultural production in Poland after 2004. The aim of th…

research product

CSR i jego rola w generowaniu korzyści ekonomicznych – w świetle wyników badań (CSR and its importance for the financial result generating of the company – in the light of research results

Dla współcześnie działającego przedsiębiorstwa koncepcja CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) staje się dynamicznie rozwijającym się standardem. Przejawia się głównie w takich wydarzeniach, jak: kampanie społeczne, wolontariat pracowniczy, sponsoring wydarzeń kulturalnych, sprzedaż produktów połączona z przeznaczaniem części zysku na określony cel społeczny, tworzenie kodeksów etycznych czy ekoznakowanie produktów. Mimo szczytnego celu przyświecającego koncepcji CSR, często stosowana jest ona jedynie wówczas, gdy przynosi korzyści. Jej wdrożenie do praktyki gospodarczej nie ma nic wspólnego z altruizmem, lecz odzwierciedla sposób zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem, prowadzący do zrównoważonego …

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The effects of perceived CSR and ecological awareness on purchase decisions in Poland

research product


Apropriate location of the logistics center allows entrepreneurs to significantly reduce the costs of transport. On the other hand, it has a positive impact on the development of the transport infrastructure of the region.This paper presents the practical aspects of the localization problem of logistics center with the use of a geographic information system. It shows differences between theoretical models, the needs of decision-makers, and the data available to make the necessary calculations. The results of computational experiments were introduced to illustrate the effects of this approach.

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