M. T. Wesner
Different muscarine receptors mediate the prejunctional inhibition of [3H]-noradrenaline release in rat or guinea-pig iris and the contraction of the rabbit iris sphincter muscle
To investigate the muscarine receptor type mediating inhibition of [3H]-noradrenaline release from the isolated rat and guinea-pig iris we have determined the potency of antimuscarinic drugs to antagonize the methacholine-induced inhibition of [3H]-noradrenaline overflow evoked by field stimulation (3 Hz, 2 min). The prejunctional apparent affinities were compared with those obtained for postjunctional muscarine receptors mediating the methacholine-induced contraction of the isolated rabbit iris sphincter muscle. Prejunctional apparent affinity constants of pirenzepine (6.67), himbacine (8.51), methoctramine (7.92), 4-diphenylacetoxy-N-methylpiperidine methiodide (4-DAMP, 8.00), hexahydro-d…
Muscarine receptor types mediating autoinhibition of acetylcholine release and sphincter contraction in the guinea-pig iris.
The potencies of several muscarine receptor antagonists in blocking either the autoinhibition of acetylcholine release or the muscarinic contraction of the sphincter muscle upon acetylcholine release were investigated in the guinea-pig iris. The agonist at pre- or postjunctional muscarine receptors was acetylcholine released upon field stimulation (5.5 Hz, 2 min) of the irides preloaded with 14C-choline. The stimulation-evoked 14C-overflow was doubled in the presence of atropine 0.1 mumol/l but unaffected by the agonist (+/-)-methacholine (50 mumol/l). Thus, under the present stimulation conditions, the autoinhibition of acetylcholine release on the guinea-pig iris cholinergic nerves was ne…