Germanà Maria Antonietta

The effect of light quality on anther culture of Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.

This pre lim i nary re search re ports re sults on the in flu ence of light qual ity on an ther cul ture of Cit rus clementina Hort. ex Tan., cultivar Nules. Af ter one month of cul ti va tion in dark - ness, four light quali ties were tested: White, Red, Far-Red and Blue. Con tin u ous Dark ness and White light un der photoperiod of 16 hrs were used as a con trol con di tions. Ga metic embryoids and embryogenic cal lus were ob tained only un der photoperiodic con di tions of White light, sug gest ing that the al - ter na tion of light and dark can be used for the pro cess of ga - metic embryogenesis in Cit rus.

research product

Preliminary research on conversion of encapsulated somatic embryos of Citrus reticulata Blanco, cv. Mandardino Tardivo di Ciaculli.

Somatic embryogenesis was obtained through anther culture of Citrus reticulata, cv. Mandarino Tardivo di Ciaculli. The work was carried out to evaluate the response of somatic embryos inside a sodium alginate coating to different storage periods, and to the effects of the germicide PPM (1 ml l(-1) stop) and the fungicide Thiophanate-methyl (100 mg l(-1) stop). The effect of these alone or in combination, added to the artificial endosperm on the performance of the encapsulated somatic embryos was tested. After 45 days of culturing, sprouting, root development and conversion were recorded. The encapsulated somatic embryos can be conveniently stored at 4 degrees C, but not for a period longer …

research product

Perspectives of the encapsulation technology in the nursery activity of Citrus

The genetic and phytosanitary certification has to guarantee the quality of the propagation material also in Citrus. Traditional methods can be assisted by the techniques of in vitro culture, which are fundamental for the mass production of high quality plants. The encapsulation technology represents an innovative tool to combine the advantages of micropropagation with handling ease, storability, reduced size of the propagules, mechanization potentiality, transportability of the gamic seeds. In this work somatic embryos obtained from in vitro anther culture of the cultivar Mandarino Tardivo di Ciaculli (Citrus reticulata Blanco) were encapsulated in a sodium alginate matrix and synthetic se…

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