Guo-cheng Yuan
The positioning of nucleosomes along chromatin has been implicated in the regulation of gene expression in eukaryotic cells, because packaging DNA into nucleosomes affects sequence accessibility. In this paper we propose a new model (called MLM) for the identification of nucleosomes and linker regions across DNA, consisting in a thresholding technique based on cut-set conditions. For this purpose we have defined a method to generate synthetic microarray data fully inspired from the approach that has been used by Yuan et al. Results have shown a good recognition rate on synthetic data, moreover, the $MLM$ shows a good agreement with the recently published method based on Hidden Markov Model …
A multi-layer method to study genome-scale positions of nucleosomes
AbstractThe basic unit of eukaryotic chromatin is the nucleosome, consisting of about 150 bp of DNA wrapped around a protein core made of histone proteins. Nucleosomes position is modulated in vivo to regulate fundamental nuclear processes. To measure nucleosome positions on a genomic scale both theoretical and experimental approaches have been recently reported. We have developed a new method, Multi-Layer Model (MLM), for the analysis of nucleosome position data obtained with microarray-based approach. The MLM is a feature extraction method in which the input data is processed by a classifier to distinguish between several kinds of patterns. We applied our method to simulated-synthetic and…
A motif-independent metric for DNA sequence specificity
Abstract Background Genome-wide mapping of protein-DNA interactions has been widely used to investigate biological functions of the genome. An important question is to what extent such interactions are regulated at the DNA sequence level. However, current investigation is hampered by the lack of computational methods for systematic evaluating sequence specificity. Results We present a simple, unbiased quantitative measure for DNA sequence specificity called the Motif Independent Measure (MIM). By analyzing both simulated and real experimental data, we found that the MIM measure can be used to detect sequence specificity independent of presence of transcription factor (TF) binding motifs. We…
Applications of alignment-free methods in epigenomics
Epigenetic mechanisms play an important role in the regulation of cell type-specific gene activities, yet how epigenetic patterns are established and maintained remains poorly understood. Recent studies have supported a role of DNA sequences in recruitment of epigenetic regulators. Alignment-free methods have been applied to identify distinct sequence features that are associated with epigenetic patterns and to predict epigenomic profiles. Here, we review recent advances in such applications, including the methods to map DNA sequence to feature space, sequence comparison and prediction models. Computational studies using these methods have provided important insights into the epigenetic reg…
A new Multi-Layers Method to Analyze Gene Expression
In the paper a new Multi-Layers approach (called Multi-Layers Model MLM) for the analysis of stochastic signals and its application to the analysis of gene expression data is presented. It consists in the generation of sub-samples from the input signal by applying a threshold technique based on cut-set optimal conditions. The MLM has been applied on synthetic and real microarray data for the identification of particular regions across DNA called nucleosomes and linkers. Nucleosomes are the fundamental repeating subunits of all eukaryotic chromatin, and their positioning provides useful information regarding the regulation of gene expression in eukaryotic cells. Results have shown a good rec…