Manuel Joaquín Fernández González
E-Learning for widening participation in higher education
The purpose of this chapter is to conceptualize e-learning as a socio-cultural ecological system and to explore the empirical evidences of the objective and subjective conditions for using this concept in practice for increasing the participation in higher education. The components of this new concept are a systemic-constructivist competence, pedagogical leadership, life- and workforce learning, and self-evaluation. The objective conditions for its implementation are the integration of informal knowledge of information and communication technologies, implementing pedagogical leadership in tandems for developing students' intrapreneurship, self-evaluation, and self-enhancement. The subjectiv…
Soviet virtue education had a relevant place in the discourse of the founders of communism and in the Communist Party’s documents. Virtue education played a central role in the construction of the future Soviet society and the raising of the New Soviet Man, a conscious communist, productive worker and soldier. This paper addresses two research questions: how was character and virtue education conceptualized, legitimized and implemented in Soviet Latvia? What elements of the Soviet approach to character education facilitated the consolidation of totalitarianism in Latvia?This research is based on written academic sources published in Soviet Latvia about virtue education and intended to schoo…
Leadership of vocational education institutions’ leaders is one of the leading resources in order to provide access, quality, competitiveness and sustainability of vocational education. The goal of the research is to analyse leadership of vocational education institutions’ leaders on the basis of the Charismatic, Emotional, Anticipatory, Professional, Participatory, Cultural, Formative and Administrative Dimensions (Gento & González, 2012) identified due to the analysis of scientific literature and normative documents in the context of the vocational education reform. The outcomes of the quantitative research testify that students assess the vocational education institution leaders’ lea…
Report summarizing the Work Package 4 of the postdoctoral research
The aim of the postdoctoral research programme ‘ARETE school’ was the modernization of general education in Latvian schools, with a focus on character education, by providing research-grounded basis for modelling the ‘Arete school’ programme and scientifically monitoring its piloting and implementation. This report includes information about the organization of the scientific monitoring of the ‘Arete school’ programme, which, following the conclusions of the preliminary research and the recommendations of the mid-term report, was implemented in two steps: 1) scientific monitoring of ‘Arete catalyst’ pilot programme (a teacher training programme for character education); and 2) scientific mo…
Instructors' Competence for Enhancing Quality of In-House Training in Maritime Education
<p class="IATED-Affiliation">Improving instructors’ competence will enhance quality of maritime in-house training (IHT). The research question of this study was: what are the main features of a competent IHT instructor? A mixed-method study using interviews and a questionnaire was conducted among three groups of respondents: 1) safety managers, vetting and technical managers; 2) IHT instructors, and 3) seafarers (including masters, chief engineers, officers and ratings). Professionals of the field were involved in interpretation of results and in elaboration of the recommendations for enhancing quality of IHT.</p><p class="normal"> </p>
Rakstura un tikumiskās audzināšanas kultūrvēsturiskā izpēte Latvijā un pasaulē
Šajā ziņojumā apkopoti pētījumi, kas veikti pēcdoktorantūras projekta “Izglītības modernizācija Latvijas skolās, īstenojot inovatīvu pētniecībā balstītu programmu par 21. gadsimta kompetencēm un tikumu ētikas attīstību ar virtuālās telpas atbalstu (ARETE-school)” [Nr.] otrās aktivitātes “Rakstura audzināšanas kultūrvēsturiskā izpēte Latvijā un pasaulē” ietvaros. Pētījuma jautājumi, kas vadīja šīs aktivitātes pētniecību, ir šādi: Kādas ir rakstura un tikumiskās audzināšanas valdošās teorijas un prakse starptautiskajā arēnā? Kā tiek sagatavoti skolotāji šajā jomā? Kā varētu raksturot rakstura un tikumiskās audzināšanas pagātni un tagadni Latvijā? Kādas ir institucionālās…
Skolēnu morālā audzināšana Latvijas skolās: vecāku, skolotāju, topošo skolotāju un skolu un izglītības pārvaldes vadītāju viedokļi
Ziņojums izstrādāts pēcdoktorantūras projekta “Izglītības modernizācija Latvijas skolās, īstenojot inovatīvu pētniecībā balstītu programmu par 21. gadsimta kompetencēm un tikumu ētikas attīstību ar virtuālās telpas atbalstu (ARETE-school)” ietvaros
Undergraduate students’ strategies for negotiating emerging performer and teacher identities
Nowadays, instrumental undergraduate students must often negotiate their emerging performer and teacher identities, and the results of this process affect the way they later balance their professional and personal life and their ability to sustain lifelong involvement in music. Drawing from recent sociological studies on bicultural identity integration, this study addresses two research questions: What strategies do undergraduate students adopt for negotiating both professional identities? And what are the characteristics of each strategy?One hundred and twenty-one undergraduate performance students participated in this study. Using cluster analysis, a typology of eight strategies for negot…
The virtue education curriculum ‘e-TAP’ is one of the recent efforts for improving character and virtue education at school in Latvia from preschool till grade nine. The objective of this research was to provide evidence regarding whether this curriculum is appropriate (‘fits’) to the Latvian context, in particular in reference to the Skola-2030 curriculum. Based on fit and feasibility theory, this work addressed the research question: “How does the treatment of virtues of the e-TAP curriculum fit to the treatment of virtues of the new Skola-2030 curriculum?”. The analysis used statistical descriptive frequency analysis of the virtues of each programme and comparative analysis between the t…
“ARETE-school” programmas pilotēšanas zinātniskā uzraudzība
Pēcdoktorantūras pētījuma programmas “ARETE school” mērķis bija vispārējās izglītības modernizācija Latvijas skolās, galveno uzmanību pievēršot rakstura izglītībai, sniedzot pētniecisku pamatojumu programmas “Arete school” modelēšanai un zinātniski uzraugot tās pilotēšanu un īstenošanu. Šajā ziņojumā ir iekļauta informācija par programmas “Arete school” zinātniskās uzraudzības organizēšanu, kas, ievērojot provizoriskās izpētes secinājumus un vidusposma ziņojuma ieteikumus, tika īstenota divos posmos: 1) “Arete catalyst” pilotprogrammas zinātniskais monitorings (pasniedzēju tālākās izglītības programma rakstura izglītībai); un 2) “Arete leadership” zinātniskais monitorings (nepārtrauktas att…
“ARETE-school” gala ziņojums
Šajā ziņojumā ir informācija par pēcdoktorantūras projektu “Izglītības modernizācija Latvijas skolās, īstenojot inovatīvu pētniecībā balstītu programmu par 21. gadsimta kompetencēm un tikumu ētikas attīstību ar virtuālās telpas atbalstu (ARETE-school)” (Projekta līguma numurs: VIAA/1/16/071). Projekts tika īstenots no 2017. gada novembra līdz 2020. gada oktobrim, un tā kopējās izmaksas bija EUR 133,806. Projekta iznākuma rādītāji tika pilnībā sasniegti: tika izveidota jauna un ilgtspējīga pētnieka darba vieta, tika publicēti 9 zinātniskie raksti indeksētajos žurnālos un 3 pētniecības ziņojumi, ir izstrādāta jauna tehnoloģija, kura varētu tikt komercializēta (tiešsaistes platforma “…
“Arete-school” final report
This report contains information regarding the postdoctoral project “Modernization of school education in Latvia through an innovative research-based program on 21st century competences and virtue ethics development supported by a virtual campus (ARETE-school)” (Project contract number: VIAA /1/16/071). The project was implemented between November 2017 and October 2020, and had a total cost of EUR 133.806 The output indicators of the project were largely reached: a new and sustainable post-doctoral position was created, 9 scientific articles and 3 research reports were published in indexed journals, a new technology, which could be commercialised, has been elaborated (the online pl…
Cultural and historical research on character and virtue education in Latvia in an international perspective
This report summarizes the research work implemented during the second activity “Cultural and historical research of character and virtue education in Latvia in an international perspective” of the project “Modernization of school education in Latvia through an innovative research-based programme on 21st century competences and virtue ethics development supported by a virtual campus (ARETE-school)” - The research questions that guided the research process during this activity were: What are the theories and practices of character and virtue education in the international arena? How are teachers trained for teaching character and virtue education? How can the past and …
Fast-track maritime career is a topical question worldwide due to the shortage of seafarers in maritime industry. Assuming that the fast-track career officers’ relevant common characteristics in adolescence could predict future maritime career speed, the research questions of this research are: What were the common characteristics of fast-track career officers when they were 16-18? Were there any statistically significant differences between the fast-track career groups and the officers with a slower career at that age? A questionnaire survey involving 175 maritime officers was conducted in Latvia in January – October 2016, regarding officers’ family context, school achievement, involvement…