Pharmacokinetics of triamterene after i.v. administration to man: determination of bioavailability.
With a new formulation, which made intravenous infusion of triamterene (TA) possible, plasma levels and urinary excretion rates of TA and its main metabolite (OH-TA-ester) were measured in a randomized, cross-over trial in 6 healthy volunteers given triamterene 10 mg i.v. and 50 mg p.o. TA and OH-TA-ester were determined by densitometric measurement of native fluorescence after thin layer chromatography. Distribution volumes of the central compartment of TA and OH-TA-ester were 1.49 l/kg and 0.11 l/kg, respectively. Terminal half-lives were 255 min for TA and 188 min for OH-TA-ester after i.v. administration. For TA total plasma clearance was 4.5 l/min and renal plasma clearance 0.22 l/kg. …