Ph. Hilgard
The patient with intermittent abdominal pain and no renal disease*
Das »Nußknacker-Syndrom« der Vena renalis (Arteria-mesenterica-superior-Syndrom) als Ursache gastrointestinaler Beschwerden
History and clinical findings Since the age of 19 a now 22-year-old man had complained of intermittent abdominal pain, irregular stools and paroxysmal tachycardia. The only preceding illness had been a single episode of iron-deficiency anemia. A laparoscopy, done 8 months after the onset of symptoms, had revealed an inflamed Meckel's diverticulum which was surgically removed. After transient improvement the symptoms recurred 5 months postoperatively. On admission to clarify the cause of the symptoms he had discrete abdominal pain on pressure, but physical examination was otherwise unremarkable. Investigations Routine biochemical tests and endoscopy were normal. Abdominal computed tomography…