Valentin Bourgeois
Germline JAK2 L611S mutation in a child with thrombocytosis
High HFE mutation incidence in idiopathic erythrocytosis.
Diagnosis of exon 12‐positive polycythemia vera rescued by NGS
Abstract A JAK2V617F‐negative polycythemia associated with low serum epo needs to be tested for an exon 12 JAK2 mutation. When negative, due to potential serious complications in PV, a next generation sequencing is necessary to rule out false negative results.
Interest of exome sequencing trio-like strategy based on pooled parental DNA for diagnosis and translational research in rare diseases.
Abstract Background Exome sequencing (ES) has become the most powerful and cost‐effective molecular tool for deciphering rare diseases with a diagnostic yield approaching 30%–40% in solo‐ES and 50% in trio‐ES. We applied an innovative parental DNA pooling method to reduce the parental sequencing cost while maintaining the diagnostic yield of trio‐ES. Methods We pooled six (Agilent‐CRE‐v2–100X) or five parental DNA (TWIST‐HCE–70X) aiming to detect allelic balance around 8–10% for heterozygous status. The strategies were applied as second‐tier (74 individuals after negative solo‐ES) and first‐tier approaches (324 individuals without previous ES). Results The allelic balance of parental‐pool v…