B. Ribeiro Do Couto
Reinstatement of Morphine-Induced Conditioned Place Preference in Mice by Priming Injections
To construct a model of relapse of drug abuse in mice, the induction, we evaluated the extinction and reinstatement of morphine-induced place preference. In Experiment 1, we examined the effects of morphine (0, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg) in the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. Mice showed CPP with 5, 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg. In Experiment 2, we evaluated the effects of two different extinction procedures. After conditioning with 40 mg/kg of morphine, the mice underwent daily extinction sessions of 60 or 15 min of duration. CPP was extinguished after seven and nine sessions, respectively. In Experiment 3, we tested the reinstating effects of several priming doses of morphine. Mice…
Cross-reinstatement by cocaine and amphetamine of morphine-induced place preference in mice
The cross-reinstatement by psychostimulants of a conditioned place preference (CPP) induced by morphine was evaluated in mice. In Experiment 1, we examined the effects of a single dose of cocaine and amphetamine on a previously extinguished morphine CPP. After acquisition of CPP induced by morphine (40 mg/kg), animals underwent daily extinction sessions of 15 min duration until the CPP was extinguished. Subsequently, animals received a non-contingent injection of cocaine (25 mg/kg) or amphetamine (4 mg/kg), which produced the reinstatement of the extinguished morphine-induced CPP. In Experiment 2, we evaluated the reinstating effects of several priming doses of cocaine (Experiment 2A) or am…
Adolescent pre-exposure to ethanol or MDMA prolongs the conditioned rewarding effects of MDMA
Adolescents often take ethanol (EtOH) in combination with MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethylamphetamine). In the present work we studied the effect of repeated intermittent adolescent pre-exposure to both drugs on the behavioral and neurochemical effects of MDMA in mice. Sixteen days after pre-treatment, the rewarding and reinstating effects of MDMA in the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm were evaluated, along with the levels of biogenic amines, basal motor activity and corticosterone response to different challenges. Pre-exposure to EtOH, MDMA or EtOH+MDMA did not affect the CPP induced by 10mg/kg of MDMA. However, adolescent exposure to EtOH or MDMA increased the duration of the co…
NMDA glutamate but not dopamine antagonists blocks drug-induced reinstatement of morphine place preference.
The effects of dopaminergic and glutamatergic antagonists on the drug-induced reinstatement of a previously extinguished morphine conditioned place preference (CPP) in mice were evaluated. Following extinction of a place preference induced by morphine (40 mg/kg), a non-contingent injection of the dopaminergic antagonists SCH 23390 (0.125, 0.5 mg/kg), raclopride (0.3, 1.2 mg/kg), haloperidol (0.1, 0.2 mg/kg) and the dopamine (DA) release inhibitor CGS 10746B (1, 10 mg/kg) or glutamatergic NMDA antagonists memantine (10, 20, 40 mg/kg) and MK-801 (0.1, 0.2, 0.3 mg/kg) alone or with 10 mg/kg morphine was given. Neither the dopaminergic nor the glutamatergic antagonists alone reinstated the plac…
Long-lasting rewarding effects of morphine induced by drug primings.
To evaluate the persistence of the rewarding effects of morphine, the acquisition, maintenance, extinction and reinstatement of a conditioned place preference (CPP) was assessed in OF1 mice. In Experiment 1, the persistence of morphine-induced CPP was evaluated weekly. Mice showed CPP after four sessions of conditioning with 5, 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg of morphine, which lasted 0, 1, 2 and 4 weeks, respectively. In Experiment 2, after four sessions of conditioning with 40 mg/kg of morphine, the effects of four schedules of extinction differing in the time interval (2, 4, 6 or 8 weeks) between sessions were evaluated. CPP was no longer evident after 8 weeks for the groups examined each 2 or 8 wee…