Burgio Aurelio
Persistenze e trasformazioni nel sistema viario tra Castronovo e le Madonie: la "via Francigena" tra xenodochia e itineraria peregrinorum
The paper is focused on the route system of North and Central Sicily, from the Madonie Mountains to Vicari and Castronovo in the Early Middle Age. In this period the distribution of religious institutions along the routes shows the dynamics of a historical phase marked by new needs of military control, and the interest of the Teutonic Order.
Ambiente ed economia nell’hinterland di Himera (Sicilia settentrionale), dalla preistoria alla prima età medievale. Una preliminare analisi comparativa con il comprensorio di Cignana (Agrigento, Sicilia meridionale)
The aim of this paper is to present the palaeo-environmental approaches and preliminary results in the district of Northern Imera river, corresponding to the territory of the ancient cities of Himera (destroyed in 409 BC) and Thermae Himeraeae (founded in 407 BC). The area is located in the North-West of Sicily, and it is mainly characterized by hilly landscape crossed by rivers facing the Thyrrenian Sea, and by a mountainous landscape (the Madonie) on the eastern side. Comparing the results of the archaeological excavations (in the city of Himera, and in the rock-shelter of Vallone Inferno), with topographical and palaeo-environmental analysis (both in the Northern Imera river and in the M…