Vincenzo Ricotta
Ecografia con mezzo di contrasto versus TC multistrato nella valutazione dell’epatocarcinoma trattato mediante procedure non chirurgiche
Ultrasound contrast agent in the study of traumatic splenic rupture
Aspetti delle lesioni cistiche epatiche con TC ed RM obiettivi
Ruolo dell’ultrasonografia con mezzo di contrasto nel follow-up di pazienti con HCC sottoposti a transcheteter arterial chemoembolization (TACE)
Impiego degli ecoamplificatori di II generazione nei pazienti con trauma splenico
High-frequency ultrasound in the study of male breast palpable masses
Purpose. To evaluate the role of high frequency colour- Doppler ultrasound in the study of diffuse or local breast nodules in males, and compare these results with those of mammography. Materials and methods. We studied 105 men aged between 12 and 82 years (mean age 42.3 years) with a palpable breast mass with or without pain. All patients underwent clinical and ultrasound examination. Seventyeight also underwent mammography, whereas 27 did not because of young age (under 25 years) (n=10), no clinical or sonographic suspicion of a malignant mass (n=16), and ulcerated neoplastic lesion (n=1). The final diagnosis derived from surgery in six patients and from three-year follow-up for 99 patien…