B Agostara

La Dieta mediterranea per tutto l'anno

La promozione e la valorizzazione della Dieta Mediterranea come strumento di prevenzione primaria delle principali malattie cardiovascolari, metaboliche, oncologiche e degenerative è l’obiettivo di Idimed e questo opuscolo è uno degli strumenti della sua strategia di divulgazione. Idimed, fedele alla sua impostazione sistemica, ha sempre parlato di alimentazione a 360°, integrando i diversi aspetti del fenomeno: culturali, salutistici, agronomici, botanici, gastronomici, psicologici, relazionali e della comunicazione. Far conoscere l’alimento, descrivere la realizzazione della ricetta, fornire indicazioni su quantità, uso dei condimenti, specificità della tradizione e raccomandazioni saluti…

research product

EBV reactivation in a patient undergoing chemotherapy for invasive thymoma

Over the last few years evidence has emerged to indicate the involvement of herpes viruses in several infectious complications observed in patients undergoing antiblastic chemotherapy. We present a case of bilateral parotiditis due to EBV reactivation in a patient who had received chemotherapy because of an invasive thymoma. In October 2006, a 53-year-old man with pulmonary and pleural metastases owing to an invasive thymoma, was started on chemotherapy with cisplatin, adriamycin and cyclophosphamide. In January 2007, after consultation with an infectious disease specialist, the patient was admitted to the oncology department because of bilateral swelling of the parotid glands which was mos…

research product

Subcutaneous recombinant human erythropoietin prevents chemotherapy-related anemia in patients with advanced cancer.

research product

Short term intensive preoperative chemotherapy with high doses of epirubicin plus G-CSF rescue for locally advanced Stage III breast carcinoma.

research product

Chemotherapy in head and neck cancer (I): Management of recurrent or metastatic disease

SummaryThis paper is an up-dated review of the role of systemic chemotherapy in the management of recurrent and/or metastatic head and neck carcinoma.

research product