Fulantelli G.

An innovative platform to promote social media literacy in school contexts

In spite of the impressive number of adolescents using social media, only a minority is aware of the risks associated with the use of the Internet. Hate speech, violation of personal rights, psychological attacks, deceiving people with fake accounts, as well as cyberbullying, harassment and insults are some examples of toxic content that can jeopardize adolescent well-being on the Web. Social Media literacy paths in school contexts provide students with the proper defence instruments to face these problems. Furthermore, it is important to underline the role of social media on both the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of adolescents which has short-and long-term influences when using these…

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This volume of Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) contains the post-proceedings of HELMeTO 2022, the fourth International Conference on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online, which took place during September 21–23, 2022 in Palermo, Italy. The conference was organized by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Palermo and by the Institute of Educational Technology of the National Research Council of Italy. The 2022 edition of HELMeTO also marked the return of the event in presence, as the previous two editions had been held entirely online due to the Covid-19 emergency

research product

Abitudini e stili di vita dei ragazzi e delle ragazze di Palermo

Il volume riporta i risultati della ricerca “Abitudini e stili di vita dei ragazzi e delle ragazze a Palermo”. La ricerca, tenendo sullo sfondo il tema della povertà educativa, si è mossa sostenendo l’ipotesi che analizzando gli stili di consumo culturale e mediale, di fruizione del tempo libero, e altri indicatori specifici, sia possibile fornire una definizione più ampia e complessa di povertà educativa, come molta della più recente letteratura sull’argomento sta peraltro già sostenendo.

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