Dominique Laurence
Notions de guérison et d’auto-guérison
Borrowing and appropriation of works of art: an exploratory approach
Borrowing of works of art is a consumption experience cannot be limited to its aesthetic dimension. Based on 18 semi-structured interviews with individuals and 28 «memories of works of art» published on the artothèque l’inventaire, this research aims to describe and understand experience with artwork to understand the various hybrid forms of possession of the object and the modalities of the process of appropriation. Given the results, trois figures of consumption seem to appear when it comes to borrow a work of art: the voluntary simplicity, the radical materialism and the ordinary materialism.
Consumer experiences with art objects
De l’expérience de butinage à l’expérience de consommation d’une œuvre d’art : contenu et conséquences de l’expérience co-créée
Expériences de consommation avec un objet artistique: relation avec l’objet et représentations du marché de l’art actuel abordable - Une étude exploratoire
National audience
Possession and appropriation of works of art : an exploratory approach
Thème du symposium : Marketing of arts, cultural and creative industries in the digital era; National audience