Ana Sevilla-pavón

Cultura en clase de E/LE a través de cuentos alrededor del mundo

This paper describes an experience carried out at the University of Iceland with students of Spanish as a Foreign Language within the TALIS project: Stories around the world in a 1-hour long class. The students' level ranged from B2 to C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The activities were planned so as to overcome the challenge of teaching a class without having met the students previously and without knowing neither about their previous knowledge nor their learning context first-hand. This was due to the fact that the lesson was given during a short Erasmus+ visit of the teacher in charge of delivering it. The activities carried out were based on written and a…

research product

Artefact co-construction in virtual exchange: 'Youth Entrepreneurship for Society'

The aim of this research study around the co-construction and sharing of authentic and meaningful artefacts within the 'Youth Entrepreneurship for Society' virtual exchange was to find out how the implementation of artefact-based telecollaborative tasks fosters 21st competences and social entrepreneurship in English for Specific Purposes settings. The project tasks were informed by constructionism and supported virtual collaboration an effort to promote social justice. They revolved around social entrepreneurship in English for Specific Purposes contexts, aiming to connect the classroom with the outside world through the involvement of local organisations, while fostering students' twenty-f…

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Ensino de Línguas na Cultura Digital

Cada tecnología que apareció en la historia trajo nuevas posibilidades para la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, desde los primeros programas de radio de la mitad del siglo XX, pasando por el cine, la televisión, el ordenador hasta las experiencias más recientes mediadas por el lenguaje digital en red como los videojuegos, las narrativas transmedia y la realidad aumentada. En la cultura digital las lenguas se expanden con nuevas posibilidades de comunicación, interacción e interactividad, permitiendo conectar personas alrededor del mundo, potenciando la interculturalidad.

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The Internationalisation of Higher Education in Brazil: Analysis of a Spanish-Brazilian Scientific Cooperation Project in CAL

[EN] Over the past few years, the internationalisation of Higher Education has become a priority in Brazilian educational policies. The importance of internationalisation has become apparent thanks to numerous initiatives, ranging from the increase in funding for graduate and postgraduate research stays abroad to projects of scientific cooperation between universities in different countries. In this context, this paper explores a scientific cooperation project developed by two universities in Brazil and Spain: the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), relating to the field of Computer-Assisted Learning (CAL). First of all, the interna…

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Assessment of competences in designing online preparatory materials for the Cambridge First Certificate in English examination

The implementation of the competence-based approach set out by the Bologna Declaration within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) entails important changes in learning processes and brings new approaches to content teaching and learning, inevitably affecting planning, methodology and assessment (Cano García, 2008). Such is the case of the design and development of the First Certificate in English Online Course & Tester at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) by the CAMILLE research group. These materials, published through InGenio1, are split into two parts: a preparatory course and a tester platform. This article explores some of the key competences to be included in these p…

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Developing a web-based system to create, deliver and assess language proficiency within the PAULEX Universitas Project

This study aims to examine the feasibility of a number of technical solutions implemented in a web-based system designed for the creation and management of online language exams within PAULEX Universitas, a project for the development of an online platform to design, deliver and assess the foreign language exam within the Spanish national University Entrance Examination. The paper provides an overview of the context and a discussion of current changes in Spanish ministerial policies, followed by a description of the PAULEX testing platform and a discussion on the technological solutions adopted. Lastly, the paper reflects upon a quantitative analysis derived from a pilot experience conducte…

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Practice and assessment of oral skills in developing online preparatory materials through the InGenio authoring shell

The practice of oral skills is a basic requirement of learning or teaching a new language, as one of the main goals in the field of language learning is developing oral communicative competence, especially needed in contexts where the students¿ L2 is the vehicular language and therefore the main means of interaction. The InGenio online authoring tool allows designers of new materials, as well as language teachers and students, to rethink and imagine new ways of dealing with practice and assessment of listening and speaking skills thanks to the flexibility of its templates, resources and tools. This article explores the ways in which the InGenio utilities, solutions and learning materials ar…

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Cada tecnologia que foi aparecendo na história trouxe novas possibilidades para o ensino-aprendizagem das línguas estrangeiras, desde os primeiros programas de rádio da metade do século XX, passando pelo cinema, televisão, computador até as experiências mais recentes mediadas pelo digital em rede como games, narrativas transmídia e realidade aumentada. Na cultura digital, as línguas se expandem com novas possibilidades de comunicação, interação e interatividade, permitindo conectar pessoas ao redor do mundo e potencializando a interculturalidade. O presente artigo apresenta o dossiê de línguas na cultura digital, uma compilação de treze trabalhos de pesquisa e relatos de experiências pedagó…

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Item transformation for computer asisted language testing: The adaptation of the Spanish University entrance examination

Since the Spanish Educational system is changing and promoting the use of online tests, it was necessary to study the transformation of test items in the 'Spanish University Entrance Examination' (IB P.A.U.) to diminish the effect of test delivery changes (through its computerization) in order to affect the least the current model. The purpose of this study was to describe and suggest the properties of a new test item taxonomy for the Spanish University Entrance Examination. After a convenient study and piloting by using previous research in computer-based language testing, the researchers created a taxonomy of test items for the I.B. PAU Keywords: Language test; item design; computers; edu…

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La escritura colaborativa a través del relato digital en clase de E/LE

El relato digital ofrece interesantes posibilidades en cuanto a la escritura colaborativa multimodal y a la autoría colectiva en tareas de expresión escrita, las cuales fueron exploradas en un curso online de formación para profesores de español de la red pública brasileña ofrecido a través de un convenio de cooperación internacional suscrito por los grupos de investigación CAMILLE, del Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada de la Universitat Politècnica de València, España; y Lantec, de la Facultad de Educación de la Unicamp, Brasil. El trabajo final de los profesores que realizaron el curso consistió en la puesta en práctica de un proyecto de creación de un relato digital con sus respectivo…

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Diseño de tareas telecolaborativas para el aprendizaje de idiomas con cuentos del mundo

Este artículo se centra en el diseño de tareas de telecolaboración para el desarrollo de competencias lingüísticas, literarias, interculturales y digitales, teniendo en cuenta las diferentes acciones llevadas a cabo antes y durante el proyecto de cara a garantizar el éxito del mismo. La propuesta, realizada en el marco del proyecto iTECLA, conjuga la telecolaboración con la redacción e intercambio de cuentos que reflejan valores culturales de los respectivos países de origen de los participantes. El proyecto implica la realización de una serie de tareas por parte de cada estudiante, mediante un proceso guiado de análisis y reflexión basado en métodos de trabajo telecolaborativo en línea en …

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Fostering general and specific competences through online language learning materials

This paper addresses how general and specific competences are dealt with and fostered through the Online First Certificate Course and Tester, designed by the CAMILLE Research Group in Spain. The debate and research on the role of competences is an ongoing issue within the field of higher education. Moreover, the new framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has made it more visible and has contributed towards designing and implementing new educational curricula based on a competence-based approach. Keywords: online language learning materials; planning; methodology; innovative approach

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El desarrollo de un programa de evaluación online para la preparación de la versión informatizada del First Certificate in English

Las exigencias actuales de la sociedad global de la comunicación han llevado a un gran número de exámenes oficiales de idiomas a adoptar el formato informatizado e incluso online, como ocurre con Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE). El surgimiento de su versión informatizada hace que aumente la demanda de materiales preparatorios y de evaluación de calidad que tengan en cuenta las características del nuevo formato de examen, planteando ejercicios en concordancia. En este contexto se ha desarrollado el programa preparatorio y de evaluación InGenio FCE Online Tester, en el seno del grupo de investigación CAMILLE, del Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada de la Universitat Politècnica …

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Computer assisted language learning and the internationalisation of the Portuguese language in higher education contexts

The internationalisation of the Portuguese language has become a priority for academic institutions of different Portuguese-speaking countries which are trying to adapt to the current context of globalisation and ubiquitous communications through digital media. In order to achieve it, several challenges should be faced, namely providing international students with resources aimed at helping them improve their Portuguese while fostering its use in academic and scientific contexts. This can be done by identifying, creating and editing high-quality teaching materials which bear in mind the sociocultural, political, economic and linguistic contexts; using the Information and Communication Techn…

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A Study into the Integration of ICT into a Business Management Course: Challenges and Achievements

Nowadays, the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) play an increasingly important role in education. Indeed, ICT are considered as very useful pedagogic tools, and multimedia resources are constantly being created, updated and shared by university members worldwide. This paper deals with a case of study exploring the way in which the integration of ICT impacts learning in the context of a business management course at the Universitat de València (UV), in Spain. The results of the study point out the need for academic staff and students to acquire the appropriate knowledge and to develop the skills required for an efficient and effective use of ICT in higher education. Keywords:…

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Pandemic Language Teaching: Insights from Brazilian and International Teachers on the Pivot to Emergency Remote Instruction

This article reflects on the experiences of language teachers from Brazil, Spain, France, Cyprus, Costa Rica and Taiwan during the pivot to emergency remote/online instruction during the 2020 pandemic. The research question motivating the study was what language teachers’ perceptions regarding online teaching during the pandemic were. Data were analyzed qualitatively, contrasting data from a questionnaire shared in an asynchronous online form with data from focus group interviews carried out via videoconferencing. The analysis of the questionnaire data showed that the vast majority of respondents used different digital technologies to teach online, both synchronously and asynchronously, but…

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Actitudes docentes hacia los ejercicios de la Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad informatizada

Resumen El presente artículo forma parte de la investigación desarrollada en el proyecto Paulex Universitas con la intención de obtener información sobre los ítems más aceptados por los profesores de 2º de Bachillerato de cara al inicio de la fase de pruebas para examinar la viabilidad de la puesta en funcionamiento de la Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad (PAU) asistida por ordenador en España y, más específicamente, los siguientes aspectos: la posibilidad de automatización de la prueba, las tipologías de ejercicios más populares entre los profesores y la relación entre las mismas. Un total de 214 profesores respondieron a un cuestionario diseñado según el método Delphi, destinado a averigu…

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Autonomy and ICT in Environmental Education

[EN] This paper aims at tackling the need for appropriate knowledge when addressing Environmental Education (EE) from an autonomous and critical viewpoint. It also aims at showing the need for the appropriation of ICT with a view to foster the perception of the environmental complexity, as well as the construction of a new kind of environmental knowledge and awareness. These two factors should be capable of modifying the way human beings behave and relate to their environment. Before looking at effective ways to achieve this goal, a suitable praxis should be developed in such a way that a new environmental awareness emerges. This new praxis should in turn help foster the autonomy of both ed…

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The Use of Digital Storytelling for ESP in a Technical English Course for Aerospace Engineers.

Digital Storytelling is a powerful pedagogical tool for both students and educators, which started to be used for teaching and learning purposes a few years ago, becoming more and more popular over time. The use of digital storytelling in non-specific language learning contexts has been widely explored, as shown in the literature. However, its use in technical-scientific contexts of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has not been so widely studied. This paper explores a project of digital storytelling for ESP carried out at the Universitat Politècnica de València, in Spain. The methodology was divided into several stages: completing a pre- and a post-survey, learning about digital storytel…

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Online Intercultural Exchanges Through Digital Storytelling

This article focuses on the affordances of a digital storytelling project in developing students' language, digital and other skills: learning and innovation, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, team working, and life and career skills. The project was undertaken by university English for Specific Purposes students and was conducted within an Online Intercultural Exchange between the Cyprus University of Technology and the University of Valencia. Its design was based on a Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology. It incorporated active learning and multimodal resources and capabilities. The need for transforming language teaching pedagogies was borne in mind, as it is necessary …

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Examining L2 Learners' Use of Engagement Strategies in Telecollaborative Written Interactions

Based on an intercultural telecollaboration project between two universities from either side of the Atlantic Ocean, this chapter analyzes written discourse produced by advanced learners of Spanish as a foreign language and higher intermediate learners of English as a foreign language in order to explore how second-language learners negotiate their ideological positions, create new knowledge, and build their arguments when discussing their first culture (C1) and second culture (C2) in telecollaborative written asynchronous interactions. Two research questions are addressed: a) the extent to which learners engage in a dialogic activity in online forums when discussing their C1 and C2, and b)…

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Repensando narrativas na produção audiovisual: E roubaram a África de mim

A proposta pedagógica aqui apresentada tem a ver com o projeto de criação de uma narrativa audiovisual, cujo objetivo principal foi fomentar a reflexão e permitir aos participantes repensar as narrativas na produção audiovisual por meio da abertura e do incremento de caminhos interpretativos possíveis. A narrativa foi produzida por meio do trabalho colaborativo entre dois tipos de participantes: uns com formação literária e outros com formação audiovisual. O produto desse trabalho colaborativo multidisciplinar foi um projeto muito enriquecedor que mostrou negociações no espaço e que, ao mesmo tempo, foi o resultado das negociações dos próprios autores quanto ao processo criativo.

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Analysing students? perceptions of two learning and evaluation modalities in the InGenio FCE Online Course and Tester

Instructors have to make important decisions regarding the type of assessment that will finally be implemented when producing online learning materials, since this has a noticeable effect in terms of the methodology, the approach, and the attitude of all the actors involved (Goertler, 2011). This study investigates students? perception of tutor assessment and self-assessment in an online upper-intermediate level English course (described in Martínez-Sáez, 2015) and testing tool (described in Sevilla Pavón, 2013). After the implementation of these learning resources through the online authoring tool and content manager InGenio4, 95 students participated in the study conducted for the validat…

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Affordances of telecollaboration tools for English for Specific Purposes online learning

This paper explores students' perceptions of the affordances of different telecollaboration tools used in an innovation project for English for Specific Purposes online learning carried out between the University of Valencia (Spain) and Wofford College (South Carolina, United States) during the school year 2015-2016. Different tools for synchronous and asynchronous communication were used. The asynchronous tools included a discussion forum, a wiki, social networking websites and Google forms; while the tools used for synchronous communication were text, voice and video chat, videoconferencing tools and Google Drive. All the tools were accessible through the online platform used in the proje…

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