Bruno Maureille

La station de La Balutie (commune de Montignac, Dordogne). Rapport de fouille 2017 et demande d'opération triannuelle 2018-2020

research product

L’histoire de La Balutie, un gisement oublié, voisin de Lascaux et de Regourdou

Cette contribution a pour objet de retranscrire l’histoire du site paléolithique de La Balutie (Montignac-Lascaux, Dordogne, France). L’histoire de ce site très tôt oublié, n’est ni sensationnelle, ni exceptionnelle, mais s’avère retranscrire l’atmosphère caractérisant les débuts des explorations des gisements préhistoriques de Dordogne. On y retrouve de grands noms de la Préhistoire de Dordogne qui n’ont légué que peu d’écrits sur le site, du mobilier trié (surtout lithique) du Paléolithique moyen et supérieur qui a alimenté de nombreuses collections privées avant d’être dispersé au sein de diverses institutions, et un contexte local compliqué et agrémenté de conflits. Notre connaissance d…

research product

New data on the possible Neandertal burial at Regourdou (Montignac-sur-Vézère, Dordogne, France).

17 pages; International audience

research product

Regourdou (Montignac-sur-Vézère).

2 pages; National audience

research product

Regourdou (commune de Montignac, Dordogne). Rapport d'opération de prospection thématique 2016 et demande d'autorisation de fouille programmée annuelle 2017

research product

Late Pleistocene (MIS 3-4) climate inferred from micromammal communities and δ18O of rodents from Les Pradelles, France.

The middle Paleolithic stratigraphic sequence of Les Pradelles (Charente, France) spans from the end of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 until the middle of MIS 3. Micromammal remains are present in all the stratigraphic levels, offering a rare opportunity to address the questions of both environmental and climatic fluctuations throughout this period. Climate modes were studied through the taphonomy, biodiversity and oxygen isotope compositions of phosphate (δ18O p ) from 66 samples of rodent tooth enamel. The δ18O p values from the lower sedimentary levels provide summer mean air temperatures of 19 ± 2°C (level 2/1) and of 16 ± 2°C (levels 2A, 2B and 4A). Within the middle of sequence (level 4…

research product

Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers

Acknowledgements: The authors thank G. Marciani and O. Jöris for comments on archaeology; C. Jeong, M. Spyrou and K. Prüfer for comments on genetics; M. O’Reilly for graphical support for Fig. 5 and Extended Data Fig. 9; the entire IT and laboratory teams at the Department of Archaeogenetics of MPI-SHH for technical assistance; M. Meyer and S. Nagel for support with single-stranded library preparation; K. Post, P. van Es, J. Glimmerveen, M. Medendorp, M. Sier, S. Dikstra, M. Dikstra, R. van Eerden, D. Duineveld and A. Hoekman for providing access to human specimens from the North Sea (The Netherlands); M. D. Garralda and A. Estalrrich for providing access to human specimens from La Riera (S…

research product

La station de La Balutie (commune de Montignac, Dordogne). Rapport de fouille 2018 et demande d'opération triannuelle 2019-2021

research product

Les crânes déformés de Saint-Etienne (Beaune, Côte d'Or, Ve-VIe siècles). Données archéologiques et anthropologiques

The sector of the Saint-Étienne necropolis (Beaune), reveals the existence of two clearly separated zones which are characterized by different funeral and cultural practices: tomb architecture, archaeological material and artificially deformed crania. This seems to provide evidence of two distinct groups. A preliminary morpho-metrical study of four skulls and the examination of several CT scans of three of them, allow us to confirm the presence of artificial antero-posterior cranial deformations.

research product

Regourdou 1 (Dordogne, France) : one of the oldest nearly complete Neandertal skeleton ?

International audience

research product

La station de La Balutie (commune de Montignac, Dordogne). Rapport de sondage 2016 et demande d'opération de fouille 2017

research product

Lièvre et lapin à Regourdou (Montignac-sur-Vézère, Dordogne, France) : études paléontologique et taphonomique de deux accumulations osseuses d’origine naturelle.

Since the end of the nineteenth century, a great deal of work studyingsubsistence patterns of prehistoric societies in Western Europe has been done. During the Middle Paleolithic, humanswere interested in small game, particularly the Leporidae, taxa that were abundant in their territories. However,distinguishing the exact nature of their origin in an archaeological site is not an easy task, given that numerous agentscould be responsible for their accumulation (i.e., natural mortality, acquisition by humans and/or other terrestrialcarnivores, or even nocturnal or diurnal raptors). In this contribution, we put forth a new taphonomic and paleontologicalstudy of the leporids of Regourdou, a Mou…

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