Christian Guinchard

Les enjeux de la transdisciplinarité autour de l’accompagnement d’un projet de revitalisation de Bourg-Centre

National audience; Partant du constat d’une diffusion du paradigme originel de la géographie sociale, ces journées jeunes chercheurs visent à questionner les approches interdisciplinaires de l’espace. Si ce questionnement nous interroge tout particulièrement au sein de l’UMR Espaces et sociétés (ESO), fondée autour de ce paradigme, il interroge aussi tou·te·s les jeunes chercheur·e·s qui se reconnaissent dans les approches spécifiques de la compréhension des rapports entre espaces et sociétés, et ce quelle que soit leur thématique de recherche (environnement, genre, santé, politiques publiques, mobilités, logement, etc.) et leur discipline (géographie, sociologie, psychologie, etc.).

research product

Le concept de « territoire » : Un changement de paradigme pour le travail social

research product

Acceptability, attitudes and knowledge towards Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) among psychiatrists in France

Abstract Background Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques are becoming a part of psychiatrists’ therapeutic arsenal. Proof of TMS effectiveness and its indications are becoming clearer. While international recommendations exist, and many countries have already recognized the use of these techniques, the French situation is peculiar since no recommendation has been published by the High Authority of Health. Consequently, those techniques are not reimbursed by the healthcare service, few practitioners are trained, some are criticized for using it, and practices remain very heterogeneous. It is therefore important to investigate what slows down the development of these techniques. The obje…

research product

Are student nurses ready for new technologies in mental health? Mixed-methods study

Abstract Background Technical innovations such as ecological momentary assessment (EMA), machine learning (ML), computerized adaptive testing (CAT), Digital Phenotyping, Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS), Algorithms, and Biomarkers have caused a paradigm shift in psychiatric care. The aim of the present study was to explore how student nurses view this paradigm shift, by assessing the acceptability of smartphone-based EMA, CAT, and biosensor-based Digital Phenotyping. We also investigated the factors affecting this acceptability. Method Student nurses recruited via nursing schools participated in a quantitative study involving the screenplay method, in which they were exposed to two …

research product

Psychiatrists' Attitudes Toward Disruptive New Technologies: Mixed-Methods Study

Background Recent discoveries in the fields of machine learning (ML), Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA), computerized adaptive testing (CAT), digital phenotype, imaging, and biomarkers have brought about a new paradigm shift in medicine. Objective The aim of this study was to explore psychiatrists’ perspectives on this paradigm through the prism of new clinical decision support systems (CDSSs). Our primary objective was to assess the acceptability of these new technologies. Our secondary objective was to characterize the factors affecting their acceptability. Methods A sample of psychiatrists was recruited through a mailing list. Respondents completed a Web-based survey. A quantitative…

research product

De nouvelles places pour les citoyens, les experts et les chercheurs au sein de communautés d’enquêteur.trice.s

National audience

research product