Karen Moris


Benford's law has been promoted as providing the auditors with a turnkey solution for fraud detection. The purpose of this paper is to show it is not always possible to detect fraudulent sales with that law. We use sales in volume of game consoles in Japan (since 1989), in United-States, in France, in Germany and in United-Kingdom (since 2000). After reviewing briefly the literature and our study design, the chi-square test and the bias analysis were used to measure the goodness-of-fit to Benford's law. Despite the absence of actual fraud, these sale series of fashion goods are not significantly in conformity with Benford's law. Thus, for the detection of fraudulent sales in this sector, th…

research product

Enseignements d'une meta-analyse sur le lien participation budgétaire - performance managériale

This meta-analysis is a critical comparison of three of quantitative synthesis. It applies some propositions of the Potsdam international consultation on meta-analysis, in the field of management control. Study design. After a traditional narrative review, three meta-analysis methodologies for the synthesis of articles with heterogeneous methodologies and fields are presented. After a short critical presentation of our results with “box score” and p-values combination methods, we show the result of best-evidence synthesis and its stability as recommended at the Potsdam international consultation on meta-analysis. Results. The results of methods of meta-analysis implemented do not make it po…

research product

La presse en tant que mécanisme de gouvernance disciplinaire

Fraud is a cause of substantial costs for firms. Fraud disclosure by the press would hence improve firms’ rates of return. I study to what extent the French press acts as a watchdog-type mechanism of governance and what the determinants of this mechanism are. To address these issues, I investigate the efficacy of the French press in detecting fraud committed by firms before an official verdict by the courts. I observe that the French press can play an important role as a watchdog, but this role de- pends on its search for maximizing profits. Thus, the press selects the firms and the frauds on which it publishes articles.

research product

Les medias en tant que mécanisme de gouvernance partenarial - Media as a corporate governance mechanism:a stakeholder view

(VF)Les médias jouent un rôle important dans les crises, en particulier, celles touchant à la création et à la répartition de la valeur. L’objectif de cet article est de proposer un cadre conceptuel expliquant le rôle des médias en tant que mécanisme de gouvernance partenarial. Leur rôle est analysé à travers une étude de cas basée sur le conflit opposant le groupe Danone à certaines de ses parties prenantes, lors de la restructuration de sa branche biscuit, en 2001. Nous montrons que la presse est un mécanisme de gouvernance d’entreprise partenarial efficient.(VA)Media play an important role in crises in particular these touching on value creation and on value distribution. The objective o…

research product

Chaos dans les ventes de biens à la mode et implication pour le contrôle de gestion

Objective - This article aims at showing that management control should drop cybernetic control for some activities of good sales. Study design - Reviewing Sutherland's (1975) and Hofstede's (1978) articles, it seems that activities of good sales can be controlled by a cybernetic control, like program-planning-budgeting systems. If sales of fashion goods were linear, like Miller et al.'s (1993) model, their forecasting would be possible and useful. However, two other models show that these sales could be chaotic (Granovetter and Soong ; Nakayama and Nakamura, 2004). In these models, the sales of fashion goods could be unpredictable beyond short intervals. The presence of chaotic patterns in…

research product