Jorge Sotomayor
Generic 3-parameter families of vector fields on the plane, unfolding a singularity with nilpotent linear part. The cusp case of codimension 3
AbstractA cusp type germ of vector fields is a C∞ germ at 0∈ℝ2, whose 2-jet is C∞ conjugate toWe define a submanifold of codimension 5 in the space of germs consisting of germs of cusp type whose 4-jet is C0 equivalent toOur main result can be stated as follows: any local 3-parameter family in (0, 0) ∈ ℝ2 × ℝ3 cutting transversally in (0, 0) is fibre-C0 equivalent to
Bifurcations of cuspidal loops
A cuspidal loop for a planar vector field X consists of a homoclinic orbit through a singular point p, at which X has a nilpotent cusp. This is the simplest non-elementary singular cycle (or graphic) in the sense that its singularities are not elementary (i.e. hyperbolic or semihyperbolic). Cuspidal loops appear persistently in three-parameter families of planar vector fields. The bifurcation diagrams of unfoldings of cuspidal loops are studied here under mild genericity hypotheses: the singular point p is of Bogdanov - Takens type and the derivative of the first return map along the orbit is different from 1. An analytic and geometric method based on the blowing up for unfoldings is propos…