William C. Stewart
Meta-Analysis of Articles Evaluating Routine Intraocular Pressure Control in Monotherapy in the United States and Germany
Pur P ose . To evaluate routine intraocular pressure (IOP) control in monotherapy patients in the United States and Germany. Methods . Meta-analysis of published articles. We included articles that were prospective studies of ocular hypotensive therapies that measured an unaltered (visit 1) IOP on monotherapy before enrolling into a clinical trial. results . This meta-analysis included 5 studies with 7913 patients, of whom 3245 were from the United States (n=1) and 4668 were from Germany (n=4). In the United States, 2939 patients (91%), and in Germany, 4059 patients (87%), had glaucoma (p<0.0001). Of these, all the US patients (100%) and 2694 (58%) of those from Germany were treated with mo…
Patient and ophthalmologist attitudes concerning compliance and dosing in glaucoma treatment.
The aim of this study was to identify research avenues that might improve patient compliance with glaucoma therapy.500 patients and physicians were interviewed by telephone in 5 European countries, and the results were compiled and evaluated by 2 independent physicians.Most physicians believed that pressure reduction is useful (UK (96%), France (94%), Spain (80%), Italy (72%), and Germany (70%), p0.0001). The majority of physicians believed that noncompliance exists in 0%-25% of patients, whereas 34% of patients admitted to noncompliance. Physicians believed patients would prefer once-daily dosing (92%) and that it would help compliance, whereas 60% of patients preferred once-daily dosing, …
Safety and efficacy of changing to the travoprost/timolol maleate fixed combination (DuoTrav) from prior mono- or adjunctive therapy.
Norbert Pfeiffer1, Maria-Luise Scherzer2, Hubert Maier3, Sonja Schoelzel4, Mark C Jasek5, Jeanette A Stewart6, William C Stewart6 On behalf of the DuoTravMED study group1Johannes Gutenberg-Universit&auml;t Mainz, Mainz, Germany; 2Regenstauf, Germany; 3Gerolzhofen, Germany; 4Institutes of Molecular Medicine, University of Freiburg, Department of Surgery, Freiburg, Germany; 5Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX, USA; 6PRN Pharmaceutical Research Network, LLC, Charleston, SC, USAPurpose: To assess the safety and efficacy of changing to the travoprost/timolol fixed combination (TTFC) from other mono- or adjunctive therapies.Patients and methods: A prospective, open-label, observational …