Benjamin Grinstein
$SU(2)\times U(1)$ gauge invariance and the shape of new physics in rare $B$ decays
New physics effects in $B$ decays are routinely modeled through operators invariant under the strong and electromagnetic gauge symmetries. Assuming the scale for new physics is well above the electro-weak scale, we further require invariance under the full Standard-Model gauge symmetry group. Retaining up to dimension-6 operators, we unveil new constraints between different new-physics operators that are assumed to be independent in the standard phenomenological analyses. We illustrate this approach by analyzing the constraints on new physics from rare $B_{q}$ (semi-)leptonic decays.
SU(2)×U(1)Gauge Invariance and the Shape of New Physics in RareBDecays
New physics effects in B decays are routinely modeled through operators invariant under the strong and electromagnetic gauge symmetries. Assuming the scale for new physics is well above the electroweak scale, we further require invariance under the full standard model gauge symmetry group. Retaining up to dimension-six operators, we unveil new constraints between different new physics operators that are assumed to be independent in the standard phenomenological analyses. We illustrate this approach by analyzing the constraints on new physics from rare B(q) (semi-)leptonic decays.
Weak Decays of ExcitedBMesons
We investigate the decays of the excited (bq[over ¯]) mesons as probes of the short-distance structure of the weak ΔB=1 transitions. These states are unstable under the electromagnetic or strong interactions, although their widths are typically suppressed by phase space. Compared to the pseudoscalar B meson, the purely leptonic decays of the vector B^{*} are not chirally suppressed and are sensitive to different combinations of the underlying weak effective operators. An interesting example is B_{s}^{*}→ℓ^{+}ℓ^{-}, which has a rate that can be accurately predicted in the standard model. The branching fraction is B∼10^{-11}, irrespective of the lepton flavor and where the main uncertainty st…
Lepton universality violation with lepton flavor conservation in B-meson decays
Anomalies in semileptonic B-meson decays present interesting patterns that might be revealing the shape of the new physics to come. Under the assumption that neutrino and charged lepton mass terms are the only sources of flavor violation and given the hierarchy between the two, we find that charged lepton universality violation without charged lepton flavor violation naturally arises. This can account for a deficit of B + → K + μμ over B + → K + ee decays with new physics coupled predominantly to muons and a new physics scale of a few TeV. A generic prediction of this scenario is a large enhacement of tauonic B decay rates that, in particular, could accommodate an excess in B → D (∗) τ ν. F…