Stephen C. Maberly
Linking nutrient limitation and water chemistry in upland lakes to catchment characteristics
The relationship between catchment characteristics and lake water chemistry, phytoplankton and periphyton biomass, and phytoplankton and periphyton nutrient limitation was investigated for 30 upland lakes in the U.K. These catchment characteristics included the proportion of different land cover categories in the catchment and some hydrological information. Multiple regression models could predict alkalinity, pH, total dissolved phosphorus, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, dissolved organic nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from the proportional contribution of between two and six land cover categories within the catchment and explain between 42 and 73% of the …
The Impact of Variations in the Climate on Seasonal Dynamics of Phytoplankton
Phytoplankton, an assemblage of suspended, primarily autotrophic single cells and colonies, forms part of the base of the pelagic food chain in lakes. The responses of phytoplankton to anthropogenic pressures frequently provide the most visible indication of a long-term change in water quality. Several attributes related to the growth and composition of phytoplankton, such as their community structure, abundance as well as the frequency and the intensity of blooms, are included as indicators of water quality in the Water Framework Directive. The growth and seasonal succession of phytoplankton is regulated by a variety of external as well as internal factors (Reynolds et al., 1993; Reynolds,…