Alejandro Celis


The model-discriminating power of lepton flavor violating tau decays

Within an effective field theory framework, we discuss the possibility to discriminate among different operators that contribute to lepton flavor violating (LFV) tau decays. Correlations among decay rates in different channels are shown to provide a basic handle to unravel the origin of LFV in these processes. More information about the underlying dynamics responsible for LFV can be gathered from differential distributions in three-body decays like tau -> mu pi pi or tau -> 3 mu: these are considered in some detail. We incorporate in our analysis recent developments in the determination of the hadronic form factors for tau -> mu pi pi. Future prospects for the observation of LFV ta…

research product

Sensitivity to charged scalars in B → D(*)τν and B → τν decays

We analyze the recent experimental evidence for an excess of $\tau$-lepton production in several exclusive semileptonic $B$-meson decays in the context of two-Higgs-doublet models. These decay modes are sensitive to the exchange of charged scalars and constrain strongly their Yukawa interactions. While the usual Type-II scenario cannot accommodate the recent BaBar data, this is possible within more general models in which the charged-scalar couplings to up-type quarks are not as suppressed. Both the $B\to D^{(*)}\tau\nu_\tau$ and the $B\to\tau\nu_\tau$ data can be fitted within the framework of the Aligned Two-Higgs-Doublet Model, but the resulting parameter ranges are in conflict with the …

research product

B -> D(*) Tau Nu decays in two-Higgs-doublet models

A sizable excess with respect to the SM expectation has been reported recently by the BaBar collaboration in the decay rates B -> D(*) Tau Nu, normalized by the corresponding light lepton modes. A violation of lepton flavor universality as suggested by this excess could be due to a charged Higgs mediating these processes at tree level. In this talk we analyze the implications of the observed excess within the framework of two-Higgs-doublet models, considering also the bounds from other semileptonic and leptonic decays of B and D(s) mesons. Prospects for B -> D(*) Tau Nu decays at future Super-Flavor Factories are also discussed.

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Lepton flavor violation in the Higgs sector and the role of hadronic tau-lepton decays

It has been pointed out recently that current low-energy constraints still allow for sizable flavor-changing decay rates of the 125 GeV boson into leptons, h -> tau ell (ell= e, mu). In this work we discuss the role of hadronic tau-lepton decays in probing lepton flavor violating couplings in the Higgs sector. At low energy, the effective Higgs coupling to gluons induced by heavy quarks contributes to hadronic tau decays, establishing a direct connection with the relevant process at the LHC, pp (gg)-> h -> tau ell. Semileptonic transitions like tau -> ell pi pi are sensitive to flavor-changing scalar couplings while decays such as tau -> ell eta(') probe pseudoscalar coupling…

research product

$B \rightarrow D^{(*)} \tau \nu$ decays in the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model

In this talk I review the status of $B\rightarrow D^{(*)} \tau \nu$ decays within the framework of the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model.

research product

A class of invisible axion models with FCNCs at tree level

We build a class of invisible axion models with tree-level Flavor Changing Neutral Currents completely controlled by the fermion mixing matrices. The scalar sector of these models contains three-Higgs doublets and a complex scalar gauge singlet, with the same fermionic content than the Standard Model. A horizontal Peccei-Quinn symmetry provides a solution to the strong CP problem and predicts the existence of a very light and weakly coupled pseudo-Goldstone boson, the invisible axion or familon. A phenomenological analysis is performed taking into account familon searches in rare kaon and muon decays, astrophysical considerations and axion searches via axion-photon conversion. Drastic diffe…

research product

Flavour-changing top decays in the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model

We perform a complete one-loop computation of the two-body flavour-changing top decays $t \rightarrow c h$ and $t \rightarrow c V$ ($V= \gamma, Z$), within the aligned two-Higgs-doublet model. We evaluate the impact of the model parameters on the associated branching ratios, taking into account constraints from flavour data and measurements of the Higgs properties. Assuming that the $125$~GeV Higgs corresponds to the lightest CP-even scalar of the CP-conserving aligned two-Higgs-doublet model, we find that the rates for such flavour-changing top decays lie below the expected sensitivity of the future high-luminosity phase of the LHC. Measurements of the Higgs signal strength in the di-photo…

research product

Effective aligned 2HDM with a DFSZ-like invisible axion

We discuss the possibility of having a non-minimal scalar sector at the weak scale within the framework of invisible axion models. To frame our discussion we consider an extension of the Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitnitsky invisible axion model with two additional Higgs doublets blind under the Peccei-Quinn symmetry. Due to mixing effects among the scalar fields, it is possible to obtain a rich scalar sector at the weak scale in certain decoupling limits of the theory. In particular, this framework provides an ultraviolet completion of the so-called aligned two-Higgs-doublet model and solves the strong CP problem. The axion properties and the smallness of active neutrino masses are also disc…

research product

Scalar contributions to $b\to c (u) \tau \nu$ transitions

We perform a comprehensive analysis of scalar contributions in $b \to c \tau \nu$ transitions including the latest measurements of $R(D^{(*)})$, the $q^2$ differential distributions in $B \to D^{(*)} \tau \nu$, the $\tau$ polarization asymmetry for $B \to D^{*} \tau \nu$, and the bound derived from the total width of the $B_c$ meson. We find that scalar contributions with the simultaneous presence of both left- and right-handed couplings to quarks can explain the available data, specifically $R(D^{(*)})$ together with the measured differential distributions. However, the constraints from the total $B_c$ width present a slight tension with the current data on $B \to D^{*}\tau \nu$ in this sc…

research product

Towards a general analysis of LHC data within two-Higgs-doublet models

The data accumulated so far confirm the Higgs-like nature of the new boson discovered at the LHC. The Standard Model Higgs hypothesis is compatible with the collider results and no significant deviations from the Standard Model have been observed neither in the flavour sector nor in electroweak precision observables. We update the LHC and Tevatron constraints on CP-conserving two-Higgs-doublet models without tree-level flavour-changing neutral currents. While the relative sign between the top Yukawa and the gauge coupling of the 126 GeV Higgs is found be the same as in the SM, at 90% CL, there is a sign degeneracy in the determination of its bottom and tau Yukawa couplings. This results in …

research product

Sensitivity to charged scalars in B -> D-(*)tau nu(tau) and B -> tau nu(tau) decays

We analyze the recent experimental evidence for an excess of tau-lepton production in several exclusive semileptonic B-meson decays in the context of two-Higgs-doublet models. These decay modes are sensitive to the exchange of charged scalars and constrain strongly their Yukawa interactions. While the usual Type-II scenario cannot accommodate the recent BaBar data, this is possible within more general models in which the charged-scalar couplings to up-type quarks are not as suppressed. Both the B -> D-(*)tau nu(tau) and the B -> tau nu(tau) data can be fitted within the framework of the Aligned Two-Higgs-Doublet Model, but the resulting parameter ranges are in conflict with the constraints …

research product

Disentangling new physics contributions in lepton flavour violating τ decays

Abstract The possibility to discriminate between different operators contributing to lepton flavour violating tau decays is discussed within an effective field theory framework. Correlations among decay rates in different channels as well as differential distributions in many-body decays are considered. Recent developments in the determination of the hadronic form factors for τ → l π π ( l = e , μ ) decays are incorporated in the analysis. The above issues are exemplified by considering a Higgs-like boson with lepton flavour violating couplings. Implications of the search for lepton flavour violating Higgs decays performed recently by the CMS collaboration are also discussed.

research product

Heavy quarks and tau leptons: New physics opportunities

In this talk I discuss the role of heavy quarks in new physics searches with tau leptons. I focus on new physics effects associated to the scalar sector which are naturally enhanced for the heaviest fermions due to the large hierarchy of the fermion masses. I will discuss two topics within this context: lepton flavour violation in the $\tau - \ell$ ($\ell=e,\mu$) sector and violations of lepton universality in tauonic $B$ decays.

research product

WCxf: An exchange format for Wilson coefficients beyond the Standard Model

We define a data exchange format for numerical values of Wilson coefficients of local operators parameterising low-energy effects of physics beyond the Standard Model. The format facilitates interfacing model-specific Wilson coefficient calculators, renormalisation group (RG) runners, and observable calculators. It is designed to be unambiguous (defining a non-redundant set of operators with fixed normalisation in each basis), extensible (allowing the addition of new EFTs or bases by the user), and robust (being based on industry standard file formats with parsers implemented in many programming languages). We have implemented the format for the Standard Model EFT (SMEFT) and for the weak e…

research product

Scalar contributions to b→c(u)τν transitions

Abstract We perform a comprehensive analysis of scalar contributions in b → c τ ν transitions including the latest measurements of R ( D ( ⁎ ) ) , the q 2 differential distributions in B → D ( ⁎ ) τ ν , the τ polarization asymmetry for B → D ⁎ τ ν , and the bound derived from the total width of the B c meson. We find that scalar contributions with the simultaneous presence of both left- and right-handed couplings to quarks can explain the available data, specifically R ( D ( ⁎ ) ) together with the measured differential distributions. However, the constraints from the total B c width present a slight tension with the current data on B → D ⁎ τ ν in this scenario, preferring smaller values fo…

research product

An invisible axion model with controlled FCNCs at tree level

We derive the necessary conditions to build a class of invisible axion models with Flavor Changing Neutral Currents at tree-level controlled by the fermion mixing matrices and present an explicit model implementation. A horizontal Peccei-Quinn symmetry provides a solution to the strong CP problem via the Peccei-Quinn mechanism and predicts a cold dark mater candidate, the invisible axion or familon. The smallness of active neutrino masses can be explained via a type I seesaw mechanism, providing a dynamical origin for the heavy seesaw scale. The possibility to avoid the domain wall problem stands as one of the most interesting features of the type of models considered. Experimental limits r…

research product

LHC constraints on two-Higgs doublet models

A new Higgs-like boson with mass around 126 GeV has recently been discovered at the LHC. The available data on this new particle is analyzed within the context of two-Higgs doublet models without tree-level flavour-changing neutral currents. Keeping the generic Yukawa structure of the Aligned Two-Higgs Doublet Model framework, we study the implications of the LHC data on the allowed scalar spectrum. We analyze both the CP-violating and CP-conserving cases, and a few particular limits with a reduced number of free parameters, such as the usual models based on discrete Z(2) symmetries.

research product

Complete One-Loop Renormalization of the Higgs-Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian

The electroweak sector of the Standard Model can be formulated in a way similar to Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT), but extended by a singlet scalar. The resulting effective field theory (EFT) is called Higgs-Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian (EWCh$\mathcal{L}$) and is the most general approach to new physics in the Higgs sector. It solely assumes the pattern of symmetry breaking leading to the three electroweak Goldstone bosons (i.e. massive $W$ and $Z$) and the existence of a Higgs-like scalar particle. The power counting of the EWCh$\mathcal{L}$ is given by a generalization of the momentum expansion of ChPT. It is connected to a loop expansion, making the theory renormalizable order by ord…

research product

Sensitivity to charged scalars in $B\to D^{(*)}\tau\nu_\tau$ and $B\to\tau\nu_\tau$ decays

We analyze the recent experimental evidence for an excess of $\tau$-lepton production in several exclusive semileptonic $B$-meson decays in the context of two-Higgs-doublet models. These decay modes are sensitive to the exchange of charged scalars and constrain strongly their Yukawa interactions. While the usual Type-II scenario cannot accommodate the recent BaBar data, this is possible within more general models in which the charged-scalar couplings to up-type quarks are not as suppressed. Both the $B\to D^{(*)}\tau\nu_\tau$ and the $B\to\tau\nu_\tau$ data can be fitted within the framework of the Aligned Two-Higgs-Doublet Model, but the resulting parameter ranges are in conflict with the …

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