A. Hürstel
In-beam spectroscopy of $^{253,254}$No
In-beam conversion electron spectroscopy experiments have been performed on the transfermium nuclei 253,254No using the conversion electron spectrometer SACRED in nearly collinear geometry in conjunction with the gas-filled separator RITU at the University of Jyvaskyla. The experimental setup is discussed and the spectra are compared to Monte Carlo simulations. The implications for the ground-state configuration of 253No are discussed.
Structure of rotational bands in 253No
In-beam gamma-ray and conversion electron spectroscopic studies have been performed on the 253 No nucleus. A strongly coupled rotational band has been identified and the improved statistics allows an assignment of the band structure as built on the $\ensuremath 9/2^-[734]_{\nu}$ ground state. The results agree with previously known transition energies but disagree with the tentative structural assignments made in earlier work.
New shape isomer in the self-conjugate nucleus $^{72}$Kr
A new isomeric ${0}^{+}$ state was identified as the first excited state in the self-conjugate ($N=Z$) nucleus $^{\mathrm{72}}\mathrm{K}\mathrm{r}$. By combining for the first time conversion-electron and gamma-ray spectroscopy with the production of metastable states in high-energy fragmentation, the electric-monopole decay of the new isomer to the ground state was established. The new ${0}^{+}$ state is understood as the band head of the known prolate rotational structure, which strongly supports the interpretation that $^{\mathrm{72}}\mathrm{K}\mathrm{r}$ is one of the rare nuclei having an oblate-deformed ground state. This observation gives in fact the first evidence for a shape isomer…
Spectroscopy of very neutron-deficient 187,189Bi isotopes
Shape coexistence is well known to occur in nuclei, in particular near closed shells [1], where particle-hole excitations across the shell gap can create deformed intruder states. In the neutron-deficient lead isotopes (Z = 82), deformed structures appear at low excitation energy. The isotope 188Pb [2] shows for example a triple shape coexistence with oblate and prolate excited 0+ states that compete with the spherical ground state. The study of the odd-proton single-particle excitations in Bi isotopes allows to obtain information on the orbitals involved in the different shapes observed in this mass region.
Isomeric states in proton-unbound 187, 189Bi isotopes
Prompt and delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy of very neutron-deficient bismuth isotopes 187, 189Bi has been performed using the Recoil Decay Tagging (RTD) method. The isomeric i 13/2 states have been identified and their lifetimes have been measured. The systematics of these long-lived M2 isomers has been extended to the proton-unbound isotopes. The general behaviour of single-proton states is discussed within the systematics and interpreted within the shell-model framework.
In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of 190Po: First observation of a low-lying prolate band in Po isotopes
Gamma rays from excited states of 190Po have been observed using the Jurosphere Ge-detector array coupled to the RITU gas-filled separator. They were associated with a collective band which from spin 4 onwards resembles the prolate rotational bands known in the isotones 188Pb and 186Hg. This indicates that in 190Po the prolate configuration becomes yrast above I = 2. The experimental results are interpreted in a two-band mixing calculation and are in agreement with α-decay data and potential energy surface calculations.