Ari Hirvonen
Interest of genotyping and phenotyping of drug-metabolizing enzymes for the interpretation of biological monitoring of exposure to styrene
In the field of occupational and/or environmental toxicology, the measurement of specific metabolites in urine may serve to assess exposure to the parent compounds (biological monitoring of exposure). Styrene is one of the chemicals for which biological monitoring programs have been validated and implemented in environmental and occupational medicine. However, inter-individual differences in the urinary excretion exist both for the main end-products (mandelic acid and phenylglyoxylic acid) and for its specific mercapturic acids (phenylhydroxyethylmercapturic acids, PHEMA). This limits to a certain extent the use of these metabolites for an accurate assessment of styrene exposure. In a group…
User Participation in Consulting Projects: Client and Provider Role Profiles
This study presents a variation scheme of participation roles in consulting projects. Typical consulting assignments in the area known as IS planning involve strategic planning and information systems management, enterprise architecture, information management or information technology governance. Participation is a crucial issue in consulting on these issues. In the literature on participation, different roles and tasks have been found, but it is not always specified, on what types of projects or systems the results are based. The literature on consulting suggests some models for work division. In a two-phase qualitative study, we first collect possible tasks in ICT consulting projects, an…
Organizational processes in ICT Management and Evaluation. Experiences with large organizations.
In this study, we describe the managerial and administrative processes relevant in the assessment of cost, efficiency and value of ICT support within and around an end user organisation. Systems of interdependent processes have been proposed to guide the management of ICT, without looking at the organizational activities, outcomes and interdependencies closer. The changed role of ICT in organizations’ activities does no more allow for isolated management of business and ICT domains. Despite of a lot of talk about business alignment of ICT, a permanent link between the mandates of business and IT management remains yet to be established, even in organisations well aware of their information …
A Practical Approach to EA Planning and Development: the EA Management Grid
Enterprise Architecture is gaining interest as a managerial tool for managing corporate ICT assets and their interplay. Our prior studies indicate that an ICT provider’s viewpoint on EA consulting, planning and development seems to be lacking in the proposed methodologies. Considering both literature and practical EA cases, we suggest an approach that supports restricted assignments in EA management. We present an EA Grid for the management of EA descriptions, requirements, constraints, as well as project tasks and deliverables, task preliminaries and dependencies in EA consulting and development. peerReviewed
EA Planning, Development and Management Process for Agile Enterprise Development
In this study, we suggest an enterprise architecture (EA) development process model suitable for EA projects limited in scope and time. Several EA process models have been put forward, which have in common the idea of comprehensive EA management and development that is generic, cyclic and ongoing in a user organization. The suggested models are of varying level of abstraction. It is not simple to select the right issues from them for a restricted development effort. An ICT services provider needs a process model to follow in EA consulting and development projects. This approach is also needed for incremental EA development by user organizations. Starting with the suggested EA process models…
Evaluation of Enterprise IT Architecture Solutions – How can an ICT consultant tell what is best for you?
ICT has become a key business enabler and a competitive factor for enterprises. Enterprise architecture, developed by ICT consultants and ICT end-user organizations, is emerging as the management tool for intertwined business and IT planning. For managerial decisions, there is a need to evaluate the business value of architecture development results, but only a few models for this have so far been presented. Here we present the V-model for EA testing and validation that marks the evaluation points in EA management, and guides which evaluation tools could be used. peerReviewed
Enterprise architecture planning in practice : the perspectives of information and communication technology service provider and end-user
Ari Hirvonen kehitti väitöskirjatutkimuksessaan yritysarkkitehtuurin hallinnan ja suunnittelun menetelmiä. Yritysarkkitehtuuri muodostuu muun muassa organisaation liiketoiminta-arkkitehtuurista, joka sisältää muun muassa organisaation strategian, vision, palvelut ja tuotteet sekä prosessit, joissa palveluja ja tuotteita tuotetaan. Yritysarkkitehtuuriin kuuluu myös informaatioarkkitehtuuri, joka sisältää organisaation toiminnassaan tarvitseman informaation. Yritysarkkitehtuurien hallinta on organisaation johdon väline hallita ja kehittää organisaation koko tietotekniikkaa. Ilman yritysarkkitehtuurien suunnittelua ja hallintaa tietotekniikka on tarpeettoman kallista muun muassa päällekkäisten…
Physiological and autonomic stress responses after prolonged sleep restriction and subsequent recovery sleep in healthy young men
Purpose Sleep restriction is increasingly common and associated with the development of health problems. We investigated how the neuroendocrine stress systems respond to prolonged sleep restriction and subsequent recovery sleep in healthy young men. Methods After two baseline (BL) nights of 8 h time in bed (TIB), TIB was restricted to 4 h per night for five nights (sleep restriction, SR, n = 15), followed by three recovery nights (REC) of 8 h TIB, representing a busy workweek and a recovery weekend. The control group (n = 8) had 8 h TIB throughout the experiment. A variety of autonomic cardiovascular parameters, together with salivary neuropeptide Y (NPY) and cortisol levels, were assessed.…