New Sperm Morphology Analysis in Equids : Trumorph ® Vs Eosin-Nigrosin Stain
Equine Reproduction Service. Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery. Veterinary Faculty. Autonomous University of Barcelona. National Agency for Research and Development (ANID), Ministry of Education, Chile (2017/72180128). Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT)(CZ02-000507-2019) The evaluation of the male fertility potential is based on the analysis of the basic spermatic characteristics of concentration, motility and morphology. Thus, the study of sperm morphology is a fundamental element in the seminal analysis, but its real meaning has been biased by the techniques used for its evaluation. These techniques involve dehydration phases and subsequen…
Optimization of CASA-Mot Analysis of Donkey Sperm : optimum Frame Rate and Values of Kinematic Variables for Different Counting Chamber and Fields
In order to optimize the donkey sperm motility analysis by the CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis)-Mot system, twelve ejaculates were collected from six jackasses. Capillary loaded chamber (CLC), ISAS®
A New Approach of Sperm Motility Subpopulation Structure in Donkey and Horse
This study aimed to characterize the sperm kinematic values with high frames per second, to define the subpopulation structure of a horse and a donkey and compare them. A total of 57 fresh semen ejaculates (26 Spanish and 16 Arabian horse breeds and 10 donkeys) were collected and subsequently analyzed for kinematic parameters using the Computer-aided sperm motility analysis ISAS®v1.2 system and using a Spermtrack® 10-μm depth counting chamber. Sequences were recorded at 250 frames per second, and eight kinematic parameters were automatically evaluated. All kinematic parameters showed significant differences between a donkey and a horse and between horse breeds. All ejaculates evaluated show…
Moderate-Vigorous Physical Activity across Body Mass Index in Females : Moderating Effect of Endocannabinoids and Temperament
Altres ajuts: This manuscript was supported by grants from Instituto Salud Carlos III (FIS PI11/210 and CIBERobn). Sarah Sauchelli is recipient of a pre-doctoral Grant (2013-17) by IDIBELL. Jose C. Fernández-García is recipient of a 'Rio Hortega' contract from 'Instituto de Salud Carlos III', Madrid, Spain (CM12/00059). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Endocannabinoids and temperament traits have been linked to both physical activity and body mass index (BMI) however no study has explored how these factors interact in females. The aims of this cross-sectional study were to 1) examine differences…
Optimal frame rate when there were stallion sperm motility evaluations and determinations for kinematic variables using CASA-Mot analysis in different counting chambers.
This study was conducted to determine optimum image capture frame rates (FRO) when there was evaluation of different types of counting chambers used for CASA-Mot determinations of stallion sperm motility. Sperm VCL was determined at frame rates of 25-250 f/s in: 1) Spermtrack® (Spk) 10 and 20 chambers (drop displacement-type chambers 10 and 20 μm-deep respectively; and 2) ISAS®D4C10, ISAS®D4C20 (10 and 20 μm-deep respectively) and ISAS®D4C20 L (20 μm-deep) capillary loaded chambers. Values for different sperm kinematic variables were determined using each chamber at 250 f/s, which is the maximum frame rate that the software can be used for analyses. With evaluation of Spk chambers, there wa…