E. Oliveri
Studio dell’incertezza connessa con l’analisi prestazionale di un sistema di drenaggio urbano
Neutronic and photonic analysis of the water-cooled Pb17Li test blanket module for ITER-FEAT
Abstract Within the European Fusion Technology Program, the Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) DEMO breeding blanket line was selected in 1995 as one of the two EU lines to be developed in the next decade, in particular with the aim of manufacturing a Test Blanket Module (TBM) to be implemented in ITER. This specific goal has been maintained also in ITER-FEAT program even if the general design parameters of the TBMs have reported some changes. This paper is focused on the investigation of the WCLL-TBM nuclear response in ITER-FEAT through detailed 3D-Monte Carlo neutronic and photonic analyses. A 3D heterogeneous model of the most recent design of the WCLL-TBM has been set-up simulating reali…
On the influence of the supporting frame on the nuclear response of the Helium-Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module for ITER
Abstract Within the European Fusion Technology Programme, very intense research activities have been promoted on the Helium-Cooled Lithium Lead (HCLL) breeding blanket concept with the specific aim of manufacturing a Test Blanket Module (TBM) to be irradiated in ITER. HCLL-TBM is foreseen to be located in an ITER equatorial port, being housed inside a proper steel-supporting frame. In particular, since that frame has been designed to provide two cavities separated by a dividing plate and HCLL-TBM is foreseen to fill just one of them, its nuclear response could vary accordingly to the filling status of the other one, unless the dividing plate is thick enough to isolate the components housed …
High-dose behaviour of CaSO4: Dy thermoluminescent phosphors as deduced by a continuous model for trap depths
Abstract The high-dose behaviour of CaSO4: Dy TL dosimeters observed by some authors is compared with the one deduced by the continuous distribution of trap depths previously proposed by us. A general agreement results.
Reliability of sewer system performance analysis
Study of a water-cooled convective divertor prototype for the DEMO fusion reactor
The plasma facing components of a fusion power reactor have a large impact on the overall plant design, its performance and availability and on the cost of electricity. The present work concerns a study of feasibility for a water-cooled prototype of the convective divertor component of the DEMO fusion reactor. The study has been carried out in two steps. In the first one thermal-hydraulic and neutronic parametric analyses have been performed to find out the prototype optimized configuration. In the second step thermo-mechanical analyses have been carried out on the obtained configuration to investigate the potential and limits of the proposed prototype, with a particular reference to the ma…
Esperienze operative su sistemi di fognatura
A multi-reading method for dosimetric TL measurements with CaSO4:Dy phosphors
Abstract A technique of dosimetric TL measurement for CaSO 4 :Dy phosphors is proposed. It is based on the results obtained in previous works, in which an approximately multi-Gaussian energetic distribution of the traps associated with the dosimetric peak and a different supralinear behaviour of the Gaussians were found. A single dosimeter is read a number of times by successive heating cycles which, starting always from room temperature, reach higher and higher final temperatures; in this manner it is possible to obtain consistent information on the dose several times. The drawback of the usual TL measurements, that is the total emptying of the dosimeter during one measurement, is then avo…
A method for fitting multi-component decay curves
Abstract A generalization of a non-iterative method recently proposed by Mukoyama for the fitting of two-component decay curve is presented. Two modifications of the procedure are also suggested, by which the influence of the statistical fluctuations of the data may be reduced. Results of fairly good quality are obtained also for three- and, to a lesser extent, for four-component decay curves.
Indicatori di performance per l’analisi delle reti di distribuzione in condizioni di scarsità idrica
During 2001 the Mount Etna had a large eruption producing a large amount of pyroclastic products consisting of a mixture of glass, minerals and soluble salt materials (SAF) encrusting solid particles. Inhalation of the finest of these materials induced pulmonary diseases in people living in subjected areas and gave us the possibility to collect bronchoalveolar lavages (BAL) from people in care in Catania hospitals. Concentrations of several trace elements measured in these BAL fluids (BALF) evidence strong enrichments in several trace elements compared to reference values. Related enrichments factors, calculated with respect to composition of volcanic ejecta (EFASH), show similar values in …
Sismicità recente nella Sicilia nord orientale e relazioni con la distribuzione della deformazione superficiale.
Affidabilità dell’analisi prestazionale di un sistema di drenaggio urbano
Relazioni tra sismicita’ e tettonica nel margine settentrionale della Sicilia
Water-cooled Pb–17Li test blanket module for ITER: Impact of the structural material grade on the neutronic responses
Abstract The Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) DEMO blanket is one of the two EU lines to be further developed with the aim of manufacturing by 2010 a Test Blanket Module for ITER (TBM). In this paper results of a 3D-Monte Carlo neutronic analysis of the TBM design are reported. A fully 3D heterogeneous model of the WCLL–TBM has been inserted into an existing ITER model accounting for a proper D–T neutron source. The structural material assumed for the calculations was martensitic 9% Cr steel code named Z 10 CDV Nb 9-1. Results have been compared with those obtained using MANET. The main nuclear responses of the TBM have been determined, such as detailed power deposition density, material da…
Urban drainage performance analysis for flooding mitigation
Some remarks on the Caribbean Plate kinematics: facts and remaining problems.
On the effects of the supporting frame on the radiation-induced damage of HCLL-TBM structural material
Within the European Fusion Technology Programme, research activities have been conducted on the Helium-Cooled Lithium Lead (HCLL) breeding blanket concept with the aim of manufacturing a Test Blanket Module (TBM) to be irradiated in ITER. HCLL-TBM is planned to be located in an ITER equatorial port, housed inside an AISI 316 stainless steel-supporting frame. Since that frame has been designed to provide two positions separated by a dividing plate and the HCLL-TBM is expected to fill one of them, its nuclear response could vary depending on the filling status of the other position and on the plate thickness. A parametric study has been carried out to investigate the potential effects on the …
A study of the potential influence of frame coolant distribution on the radiation-induced damage of HCLL-TBM structural material
Abstract Within the European Fusion Technology Programme, the Helium-Cooled Lithium Lead (HCLL) breeding blanket concept is one of the two EU lines to be developed for a Long Term fusion reactor, in particular with the aim of manufacturing a Test Blanket Module (TBM) to be implemented in ITER. The HCLL-TBM is foreseen to be located in an ITER equatorial port, being housed inside a steel-supporting frame, actively cooled by pressurized water. That supporting frame has been designed to house two different TBMs, providing two cavities separated by a dividing Plate 20 cm thick. As the nuclear response of HCLL-TBM might vary accordingly to the supporting frame configuration and composition, at t…
Un tentativo di analisi integrata della tettonica e sismicità nella zona di cerniera tra Sicilia settentrionale e Basso Tirreno.
Programmazione e gestione dei sistemi acquedottistici in condizioni di scarsità di risorsa
Modelling of the thermal mechanical behaviour of a single size beryllium pebble bed
The Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) Blanket for fusion power reactors and the ITER breeding blanket are based on the use of pebble beds of lithium ceramics as breeder and beryllium as neutron multiplier. Experimental activities were performed at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe concerning the measurement of pebble bed heat transfer parameters. At the Department of Nuclear Engineering of the University of Palermo, the experimental results have been reproduced by means of the ABAQUS finite element code. Moreover, a thermal-mechanical theoretical model has been developed for single size beryllium pebble beds. In the paper the results from the numerical and theoretical analyses and the comparison wi…
Uncertainty analysis in sewer systems performance evaluation
In recent years, in order to analyse complex urban drainage systems and to identify the most effective measures for improving their efficiency, many parameters, or indicators, have been defined and many methodologies have been proposed in order to quantify sewer systems performance in the most objective and general way. However, some uncertainty arises in these methodologies due to choices which the user has to take in applying the procedure. Thus, performance analysis results are affected by operator experience and they are mainly useful for comparison between different scenarios applied to the same system. In the present paper, a statistical analysis of sewer systems performance has been …
Zr/Hf ratio and REE behaviour: A coupled indication of lithogenic input in marginal basins and deep-sea brines
Abstract The distribution of dissolved Zr, Hf and Rare Earth Elements (yttrium and lanthanides, hereafter referred to as REE) in the Eastern Mediterranean seawater column was measured in the Kryos basin to evaluate the lithogenic contribution from both Nile River and Sahara and Arabian desert dust. We found dissolved Zr/Hf ratios below the signature of crustal rocks and chondrites; a phenomenon likely driven by the dissolution of the Mn-rich coating of atmospheric dust particles delivered from the desert. In deeper waters, Zr/Hf ratios are clustered close to the signature of crustal rocks and chondrites according to the different Zr and Hf dissolved speciation. The Zr/Hf ratio observed in t…
A study of the potential influence of frame coolant on HCLL-TBM nuclear response
Abstract Within the European Fusion Technology Programme, the Helium-Cooled Lithium Lead (HCLL) breeding blanket concept is one of the two EU lines to be developed for a long term fusion reactor, in particular with the aim of manufacturing a test blanket module (TBM) to be implemented in ITER. The HCLL-TBM is foreseen to be located in an ITER equatorial port, being housed inside a steel-supporting frame, actively cooled by pressurized water. This supporting frame has been designed to house two different TBMs providing two cavities separated by a dividing plate 20 cm thick. As the nuclear response of HCLL-TBM could vary with the supporting frame configuration and composition, a parametric st…
Neutronic and photonic analysis of the single box water-cooled lithium lead blanket for a DEMO reactor
Abstract The water-cooled Pb–17Li demonstration plant (DEMO) breeding blanket line was selected in 1995 as one of the two EU lines to be further developed in the next decade. In this paper the results of a neutronic and photonic analysis of the `single box' concept is presented. A full three-dimensional model, including the whole assembly and many of the DEMO reactor components, has been developed, together with a three-dimensional neutron source. A tritium breeding ratio (TBR) value of 1.16, with no ports and a Li6 enrichment of 90%, has been obtained and a further analysis has been performed to determine Li6 enrichment that would still ensure tritium breeding self-sufficiency. Selected po…
On the nuclear response of the water-cooled Pb-17Li test blanket module for ITER-FEAT
Abstract Within the European Fusion Technology Programme, the Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) DEMO breeding blanket line was selected in 1995 as one of the two EU lines to be developed in the next decades, in particular with the aim of manufacturing a Test Blanket Module (TBM) to be tested in ITER-FEAT. The present paper is focused on the study of the WCLL-TBM nuclear response in ITER-FEAT, being specifically oriented to the investigation of the local effects due to the typical C-shaped tubes of the breeder zone, since they could play a pivotal role in the module-relevant thermo–mechanical design. A 3D heterogeneous model of the WCLL-TBM, realistically simulating its new lay out and taking…