Jésica Pérez-rodríguez
Large-scale migration synchrony between parasitoids and their host
1. Parasitoids are a valuable group for conservation biological control. In their role as regulators of aphid pests, it is critical that their lifecycle is synchronised with their hosts in both space and time. This is because a synchronised parasitoid community is more likely to strengthen the overall conservation biological control effect, thus damping aphid numbers and preventing potential outbreaks. One component of this host–parasitoid system was examined, that of migration, and the hypothesis that peak summer parasitoid and host migrations are synchronised in time was tested. 2. Sitobion avenae Fabricius and six associated parasitoids were sampled from 1976 to 2013 using 12.2-m suction…
Seasonal Distribution and Movement of the Invasive Pest Delottococcus aberiae (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) Within Citrus Tree: Implications for Its Integrated Management
[EN] Delottococcus aberiae (De Lotto) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) is the most recent species of mealybug introduced to Spain that is affecting citrus. The feeding behavior of D. aberiae causes severe direct damage to citrus fruits, distorting their shape and/or causing reduction in size. There is no information available regarding its distribution within the citrus trees. The main objective of this study was to describe the seasonal distribution of D. aberiae within citrus trees and its migration patterns on the plants. Ten citrus orchards from eastern Spain were periodically sampled during 3 yr. In each orchard, the mealybug was sampled in different infested strata (canopy, trunk, and soil…
Host range testing of Tamarixia dryi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) sourced from South Africa for classical biological control of Trioza erytreae (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in Europe
Abstract The African citrus psyllid, Trioza erytreae, vectors citrus greening or huanglongbing (HLB) disease. The psyllid has been reported from mainland Europe, where it is rapidly spreading from the northwest to the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. In order to reduce its spread and population levels, a classical biological control program with the parasitoid Tamarixia dryi is under development in Spain. We evaluated the host specificity of T. dryi using 11 non-target psyllid (NTP) species, including five species of the genus Trioza. The psyllids were selected based on phylogenetic and ecological criteria. Tamarixia dryi exhibited a high host specificity. Females did not parasitize any …
Microgastrinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in the Forest State of Artikutza (Navarra: Spain): Diversity and Community Structure
Microgastrinae is one of the largest subfamilies of the Braconidae with about 2,000 described species worldwide. These wasps are of enormous ecological interest due to their role in controlling the caterpillar populations. This study analyses diversity and community structure within the Microgastrinae in the Artikutza Forest, located in the Peñas de Aia Natural Park, western Pyrenees, Spain. The specimens were collected in two different habitats: mixed forest and beech forest. A total of 524 specimens, belonging to nine separate genera and 27 species were captured. Alpha, beta and gamma diversity were analyzed. Additionally, the relationship between Microgastrinae phenology and climatic con…