I. R. Tomalin
Improved tau polarisation measurement
Using 22 pb−1 of data collected at LEP in 1992 on the peak of the Z resonance, the ALEPH collaboration has measured the polarisation of the tau leptons decaying into $$ev\bar v, \mu v\bar v$$ ,πν, ρν and a1 ν from their individual decay product distributions. The measurement of the tau polarisation as a function of the production polar angle yields the two parametersN τ andN e, where, in terms of the axial and vector couplingsg Al andg Vl,N l=2g Vl gAl/(g Vl 2 +g 2 ). This analysis follows to a large extent the methods devised for the 1990 and 1991 data but with improvements which bring a better understanding of the systematic uncertainties. Combining the 1992 measurements with our previous…
Search for contact interactions in the reactionse + e −→l + l − ande + e −→γγ
Contact interactions are searched for using the differential cross sections for the reactions e + e -→ e + e -, e + e -→ µ + µ -, e + e -→ τ + τ - and e + e -→γγ measured at 12 energies around the Z peak and corresponding to about 20 pb-1 of cumulated luminosity. Four-fermion contact term models assuming various chiralities of lepton currents are fitted to the lepton data and lower limits on the energy scale Λ of such terms are set at 95% c.l. The limits vary in the range 0.9 4.7 TeV, depending on the model and on the lepton flavour. The eeγγ contact terms are searched for assuming various chiralities. Limits on the energy scale Λ between 79 and 130 GeV are extracted from the data. The resu…
Tau leptonic branching ratios
A sample of 62249 tau-pair events is selected from data taken with the ALEPH detector in 1991, 1992 and 1993. The measurement of the branching fractions for tau decays into electrons and muons is presented with emphasis on the study of systematic effects from selection, particle identification and decay classification. The results obtained are: B-e=17.79+/-0.12(stat)+/-0.06(syst)(%) and B-mu=17.31+/-0.11(stat)+/-0.05(syst)(%). Combined with the most recent ALEPH determination of the tau lifetime, these results provide a relative measurement of the leptonic couplings in the weak charged current for transverse W bosons: g(mu)/g(e)=1.0002+/-0.0051 and g(tau)/g(mu)=0.9943+/-0.0065. RI ANTONELLI…
Determination of sin2 θeff w using jet charge measurements in hadronic Z decays
The electroweak mixing angle is determined with high precision from measurements of the mean difference between forward and backward hemisphere charges in hadronic decays of the Z. A data sample of 2.5 million hadronic Z decays recorded over the period 1990 to 1994 in the ALEPH detector at LEP is used. The mean charge separation between event hemispheres containing the original quark and antiquark is measured for bb̄ and cc̄ events in subsamples selected by their long lifetimes or using fast D*'s. The corresponding average charge separation for light quarks is measured in an inclusive sample from the anticorrelation between charges of opposite hemispheres and agrees with predictions of hadr…
Measurement of Prompt Photon Production In Hadronic-z Decays
The production of isolated photons in hadronic Z decays is measured with the ALEPH detector at LEP using a sample of 450 000 hadronic events. The corrected rate is given for several values of the minimum invariant mass squared cut between the photon and the jets. This measurement of final state radiation from the quarks is compared with the predictions of parton shower models JETSET, ARIADNE and HERWIG as well as with the predictions of QCD matrix element calculations. RI Perrier, Frederic/A-5953-2011; ANTONELLI, ANTONELLA/C-6238-2011; Buttar, Craig/D-3706-2011; Stahl, Achim/E-8846-2011; Passalacqua, Luca/F-5127-2011; Murtas, Fabrizio/B-5729-2012; St.Denis, Richard/C-8997-2012; Forti, Franc…
Measurements of the charged particle multiplicity distribution in restricted rapidity intervals
Charged particle multiplicity distributions have been measured with the ALFPH detector in restricted rapidity intervals \Y\ less than or equal to 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 along the thrust axis and also without restriction on rapidity. The distribution for the full range can be parametrized by a log-normal distribution. For smaller windows one finds a more complicated structure, which is understood to arise from perturbative effects. The negative-binomial distribution fails to describe the data both with and without the restriction on rapidity. The JETSET model is found to describe all aspects of the data while the width predicted by HERWIG is in significant disagreement.
Measurement of the ratio using event shape variables
Abstract The branching fraction of Z → b b relative to all hadronic decays of the Z has been measured using event shape variables to preferentially select Z → b b events. The method chosen applies a combination of shape discriminators and the selection of high transverse momentum leptons to event hemispheres. From a sample of 440 000 hadronic Z decays collected with the ALEPH detector at LEP, the ration Γ b b Γ had = 0.228±0.005( stat. )±0.005( syst. ) is measured.
An experimental study of γγ → hadrons at LEP
An analysis of γγ interactions has been performed using untagged hadronic data obtained by the ALEPH detector at LEP. The data show at low transverse momentum (pt) are well reproduced by a model based on the vector meson dominance mechinism (VDM). At high pt thrust the presence of hard scattering processes is demonstrated. This component is well described in shape and normalization by a QCD calculation.
A precise measurement of ΓZ→bb/ΓZ→hadrons
A measurement of the partial width ratio Γbb/Γhad using a method which tags the Z --> bb decays through the lif etime of the produced heavy hadrons is presented. This method relies on the tracking precision afforded by a double-sided silicon vertex detector. The tag algorithm makes a probabilistic interpretation of three-dimensional track impact parameters, using the data to measure the resolution. By tagging the two b hadrons separately, both Γbb/Γhad and the tag efficiency can be determined from the data. For a 26% efficiency of tagging a single b hadron within the vertex detector solid angle coverage, a purity of 96% is achieved. A value of Γbb/Γhad = 0.2192+/-0.0026(stat.)+/-0.0016(Γcc/…
Inclusive π±, K± and(p,p¯) differential cross-sections at the Z resonance
Inclusive π±, K± and $$(p,\bar p)$$ differential cross-sections in hadronic decays of the Z have been measured as a function ofz=P hadron/P beam, the scaled momentum. The results are based on approximately 520 000 events measured by the ALEPH detector at LEP during 1992. Charged particles are identified by their rate of ionization energy loss in the ALEPH Time Projection Chamber. The position, ξ*, of the peak in the ln(1/z) distribution is determined, and the evolution of the peak position with centre-of-mass energy is compared with the prediction of QCD.
Search forBs0→μ+μ−andB0→μ+μ−Decays with CDF II
A search has been performed for B{sub s}{sup 0} {yields} {mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -} and B{sup 0} {yields} {mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -} decays using 7 fb{sup -1} of integrated luminosity collected by the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. The observed number of B{sup 0} candidates is consistent with background-only expectations and yields an upper limit on the branching fraction of {Beta}(B{sup 0} {yields} {mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -}) < 6.0 x 10{sup -9} at 95% confidence level. We observe an excess of B{sub s}{sup 0} candidates. The probability that the background processes alone could produce such an excess or larger is 0.27%. The probability that the combination of background and the expe…
Measurement of thett¯production cross section inpp¯collisions ats=1.96 TeVusing soft electronb-tagging
The authors present a measurement of the t{bar t} production cross section using events with one charged lepton and jets from p{bar p} collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV. A b-tagging algorithm based on the probability of displaced tracks coming from the event interaction vertex is applied to identify b quarks from top decay. Using 318 pb{sup -1} of data collected with the CDF II detector, they measure the t{bar t} production cross section in events with at least one restrictive (tight) b-tagged jet and obtain 8.9{sub -1.0}{sup +1.0}(stat.){sub -1.0}{sup +1.1}(syst.) pb. The cross section value assumes a top quark mass of m{sub t} is presented in the paper. This result is cons…
Search for the standard model Higgs boson
Using a data sample corresponding to about 1 233 000 hadronic Z decays collected by the ALEPH experiment at LEP, the reaction e+e- --> HZ* has been used to search for the standard model Higgs boson, in association with missing energy when Z* --> nunuBAR, or with a pair of energetic leptons when Z* --> e+e- or mu+mu-. No signal was found and, at the 95% confidence level, m(H) exceeds 58.4 GeV/c2. RI ANTONELLI, ANTONELLA/C-6238-2011; Buttar, Craig/D-3706-2011; Stahl, Achim/E-8846-2011; Passalacqua, Luca/F-5127-2011; Murtas, Fabrizio/B-5729-2012; St.Denis, Richard/C-8997-2012; Forti, Francesco/H-3035-2011; Ferrante, Isidoro/F-1017-2012
Search for Higgs bosons decaying to WW in e(+)e(-) stope collisions at LEP
A search for Higgs bosons produced in association with a fermion pair, and decaying to WW, is performed with the data collected by the ALEPH detector at centre-of-mass energies ranging from 191 to 209 GeV. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 453.2 pb^-1. Thirteen exclusive selections are developed according to the different final state topologies. No statistically significant evidence for a Higgs boson decaying into a WW pair has been found. An upper limit is derived, as a function of the Higgs boson mass, on the product of the e+e- -> Hff cross section and the H -> WW branching ratio. The data on the search for H -> WW are combined with previously published ALEPH re…
Bose-Einstein correlations in W-pair decays
Bose-Einstein correlations are studied in semileptonic (WW --> q (q) over bar lv) and fully hadronic (WW --> q (q) over bar q (q) over bar) W-pair decays with the ALEPH detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies of 172, 183 and 189 GeV. They are compared with those made at the Z peak after correction for the different flavour compositions. A Monte Carlo model of Bose-Einstein correlations based on the JETSET hadronization scheme was tuned to the Z data and reproduces the correlations in the WW --> q (q) over bar lv events. The same Monte Carlo reproduces the correlations in the WW --> q (q) over bar q (q) over bar channel assuming independent fragmentation of the two W's. A variant of this …
Search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons at LEP
The four LEP collaborations, ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL, have searched for the neutral Higgs bosons which are predicted by the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). The data of the four collaborations are statistically combined and examined for their consistency with the background hypothesis and with a possible Higgs boson signal. The combined LEP data show no significant excess of events which would indicate the production of Higgs bosons. The search results are used to set upper bounds on the cross-sections of various Higgs-like event topologies. The results are interpreted within the MSSM in a number of "benchmark" models, including CP-conserving and CP-violating scenarios. Thes…
Inclusive semileptonic branching ratios of b hadrons produced in Z decays
A measurement of the inclusive semileptonic branching ratios of b hadrons produced in Z decay is presented, using four million hadronic events collected by the ALEPH detector from 1991 to 1995. Electrons and muons are selected opposite to b-tagged hemispheres. Two different methods are explored to distinguish the contributions from direct $\bl$ and cascade $\bcl$ decays to the total lepton yield. One is based on the lepton transverse momentum spectrum, the other makes use of the correlation between the charge of the lepton and charge estimators built from tracks in the opposite hemisphere of the event. The latter method reduces the dependence on the modelling of semileptonic b decays. The r…