Lucia Sanus


Non-vanishing elements of finite groups

AbstractLet G be a finite group, and let Irr(G) denote the set of irreducible complex characters of G. An element x of G is non-vanishing if, for every χ in Irr(G), we have χ(x)≠0. We prove that, if x is a non-vanishing element of G and the order of x is coprime to 6, then x lies in the Fitting subgroup of G.

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Inducing characters and nilpotent injectors

Let G be a finite group and let N be a normal subgroup of G. If G/N is solvable and H/N is a nilpotent injector of G/N, then there exists a canonical basis of the complex space of the class functions of G which vanish off the G-conjugates of H.

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Finite groups with real-valued irreducible characters of prime degree

Abstract In this paper we describe the structure of finite groups whose real-valued nonlinear irreducible characters have all prime degree. The more general situation in which the real-valued irreducible characters of a finite group have all squarefree degree is also considered.

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Nilpotent and abelian Hall subgroups in finite groups

[EN] We give a characterization of the finite groups having nilpotent or abelian Hall pi-subgroups that can easily be verified using the character table.

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Field of values and Brauer characters of q′-degree

Abstract We study the existence of non-trivial real-valued (respectively rational-valued) irreducible p -Brauer characters of degree not divisible by q .

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On zeros of characters of finite groups

We survey some results concerning the distribution of zeros in the character table of a finite group and its influence on the structure of the group itself.

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Suppose that G is a finite π-separable group, let cf(G) be the space of complex class functions of G and let Irr(G) be the set of the irreducible complex characters of G. Let K be an arbitrary Hall...

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Sylow Normalizers with a Normal Sylow 2-Subgroup

AbstractIf G is a finite solvable group and p is a prime, then the normalizer of a Sylow p-subgroup has a normal Sylow 2-subgroup if and only if all non-trivial irreducible real 2-Brauer characters of G have degree divisible by p.

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A partition of characters associated to nilpotent subgroups

IfG is a finite solvable group andH is a maximal nilpotent subgroup ofG containingF(G), we show that there is a canonical basisP(G|H) of the space of class functions onG vanishing off anyG-conjugate ofH which consists of characters. ViaP(G|H) it is possible to partition the irreducible characters ofG into “blocks”. These behave like Brauerp-blocks and a Fong theory for them can be developed.

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Induction and Character Correspondences in Groups of Odd Order

Abstract Let P be a Sylow p -subgroup of G . By Irr p ′ ( G ), we denote the set of irreducible characters of G which have degree not divisible by p . When G is a solvable group of odd order, M. Isaacs constructed a natural one-to-one correspondence *:Irr p ′ ( G ) → Irr p ′ ( N G ( P )) which depends only on G and P . In this paper, we show that if ξ G  = χ ∈ Irr p ′ ( G ), then (ξ*) N G ( P )  = χ*.

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Let $G$ be a finite group and $p$ a prime. We say that a $p$-regular element $g$ of $G$ is $p$-nonvanishing if no irreducible $p$-Brauer character of $G$ takes the value $0$ on $g$. The main result of this paper shows that if $G$ is solvable and $g\in G$ is a $p$-regular element which is $p$-nonvanishing, then $g$ lies in a normal subgroup of $G$ whose $p$-length and $p^{\prime }$-length are both at most 2 (with possible exceptions for $p\leq 7$), the bound being best possible. This result is obtained through the analysis of one particular orbit condition in linear actions of solvable groups on finite vector spaces, and it generalizes (for $p>7$) some results in Dolfi and Pacifici [‘Zero…

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Incomplete vertices in the prime graph on conjugacy class sizes of finite groups

Abstract Given a finite group G, consider the prime graph built on the set of conjugacy class sizes of G. Denoting by π 0 the set of vertices of this graph that are not adjacent to at least one other vertex, we show that the Hall π 0 -subgroups of G (which do exist) are metabelian.

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Groups with two real Brauer characters

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Groups whose prime graph on conjugacy class sizes has few complete vertices

Abstract Let G be a finite group, and let Γ ( G ) denote the prime graph built on the set of conjugacy class sizes of G. In this paper, we consider the situation when Γ ( G ) has “few complete vertices”, and our aim is to investigate the influence of this property on the group structure of G. More precisely, assuming that there exists at most one vertex of Γ ( G ) that is adjacent to all the other vertices, we show that G is solvable with Fitting height at most 3 (the bound being the best possible). Moreover, if Γ ( G ) has no complete vertices, then G is a semidirect product of two abelian groups having coprime orders. Finally, we completely characterize the case when Γ ( G ) is a regular …

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Coprime actions and degrees of primitive inducers of invariant characters

Let a finite group A act coprimely on a finite group G and χ ∈ Irr A(G). Isaacs, Lewis and Navarro proved that if G is nilpotent then the degrees of any two A-primitive characters of A-invariant subgroups of G inducing χ coincide. In this note we aim at extending this result by weakening the hypothesis on G.

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Bounding the number of vertices in the degree graph of a finite group

Abstract Let G be a finite group, and let cd ( G ) denote the set of degrees of the irreducible complex characters of G . The degree graph Δ ( G ) of G is defined as the simple undirected graph whose vertex set V ( G ) consists of the prime divisors of the numbers in cd ( G ) , two distinct vertices p and q being adjacent if and only if pq divides some number in cd ( G ) . In this note, we provide an upper bound on the size of V ( G ) in terms of the clique number ω ( G ) (i.e., the maximum size of a subset of V ( G ) inducing a complete subgraph) of Δ ( G ) . Namely, we show that | V ( G ) | ≤ max { 2 ω ( G ) + 1 , 3 ω ( G ) − 4 } . Examples are given in order to show that the bound is bes…

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The prime graph on class sizes of a finite group has a bipartite complement

Abstract Let G be a finite group, and let cs ( G ) denote the set of sizes of the conjugacy classes of G. The prime graph built on cs ( G ) , that we denote by Δ ( G ) , is the (simple undirected) graph whose vertices are the prime divisors of the numbers in cs ( G ) , and two distinct vertices p, q are adjacent if and only if pq divides some number in cs ( G ) . A rephrasing of the main theorem in [8] is that the complement Δ ‾ ( G ) of the graph Δ ( G ) does not contain any cycle of length 3. In this paper we generalize this result, showing that Δ ‾ ( G ) does not contain any cycle of odd length, i.e., it is a bipartite graph. In other words, the vertex set V ( G ) of Δ ( G ) is covered b…

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A graph associated with the $\pi$-character degrees of a group

Let G be a group and $\pi$ be a set of primes. We consider the set ${\rm cd}^{\pi}(G)$ of character degrees of G that are divisible only by primes in $\pi$. In particular, we define $\Gamma^{\pi}(G)$ to be the graph whose vertex set is the set of primes dividing degrees in ${\rm cd}^{\pi}(G)$. There is an edge between p and q if pq divides a degree $a \in {\rm cd}^{\pi}(G)$. We show that if G is $\pi$-solvable, then $\Gamma^{\pi}(G)$ has at most two connected components.

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Partial characters with respect to a normal subgroup

AbstractSuppose that G is a π-separable group. Let N be a normal π1-subgroup of G and let H be a Hall π-subgroup of G. In this paper, we prove that there is a canonical basis of the complex space of the class functions of G which vanish of G-conjugates ofHN. When N = 1 and π is the complement of a prime p, these bases are the projective indecomposable characters and set of irreduciblt Brauer charcters of G.

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On groups having a p-constant character

Let G G be a finite group, and p p a prime number; a character of G G is called p p -constant if it takes a constant value on all the elements of G G whose order is divisible by p p . This is a generalization of the very important concept of characters of p p -defect zero. In this paper, we characterize the finite p p -solvable groups having a faithful irreducible character that is p p -constant and not of p p -defect zero, and we will show that a non- p p -solvable group with this property is an almost-simple group.

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Rationality and normal 2-complements

Abstract We study the finite groups in which every irreducible rational valued character is linear, and those in which every rational element is central.

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Blocks Relative to a Normal Subgroup in π-Separable Groups

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On the orders of zeros of irreducible characters

Let G be a finite group and p a prime number. We say that an element g in G is a vanishing element of G if there exists an irreducible character χ of G such that χ (g) = 0. The main result of this paper shows that, if G does not have any vanishing element of p-power order, then G has a normal Sylow p-subgroup. Also, we prove that this result is a generalization of some classical theorems in Character Theory of finite groups. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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