Suzanne Filipic
The Time Course of Emotional Responses to Music
Two empirical studies investigate the time course of emotional responses to music. In the first one, musically trained and untrained listeners were required to listen to 27 musical excerpts and to group those that conveyed a similar emotional meaning. In one condition, the excerpts were 25 seconds long on average. In the other condition, excerpts were as short as 1 second. The groupings were then transformed into a matrix of emotional dissimilarity that was analyzed with multidimensional scaling methods (MDS). We compared the outcome of these analyses for the 25-s and 1-s duration conditions. In the second study, we presented musical excerpts of increasing duration, varying from 250 to 20 s…
Key processing precedes emotional categorization of Western music.
To investigate whether key processing precedes the appraisal of valence in music, participants listened to pairs of clips of same or different valence, played either in the same key or one semitone apart. They judged whether the second clip expressed the same emotion as the first one. Our predictions were confirmed: the response times obtained were shorter when both clips were played in the same key than when they were played one semitone apart.
Alexithymia and facial emotion recognition in patients with eating disorders
Objective: Patients with anorexia or bulimia nervosa are reported to show high levels of alexithymia and to have difficulties recognizing facially displayed emotions. The current study tested whether it could be that facial emotion recognition is a basic skill that is independent from alexithymia. Method: We assessed emotion recognition skills and alexithymia in a group of 79 female inpatients with eating disorders and compared them with a group of 78 healthy female controls. Instruments used were the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, the Facially Expressed Emotion Labeling (FEEL) test, and the revised Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R). Results: There were no significant differences between patients a…
Cognition et émotion musicales
Musical Cognition and Emotion. Music is a cultural stimulus that has no obvious adaptive value for the human species, but that nevertheless provokes emotional responses as intense as other stimuli that are biologically relevant. For this reason, music is a privileged medium to study the complex interactions between cognition and emotion. In this article, we will consider the present knowledge from neurosciences and psychology of music that make it possible to better understand these interactions. According to a first viewpoint, the emotional response occurs before cognitive processes can take place. An emotional response can therefore occur within the first hundredths of a second, when list…