Letizia Anello
Activity of bacterial seed endophytes of landrace durum wheat for control of Fusarium foot rot
Five bacterial endophytic isolates obtained from durum wheat seeds (landrace “Timilia reste nere”) and identified as belonging to Pantoea (isolates A1, F7, F15 and G1) and Paenibacillus (isolate B) genera on the basis of 16S rDNA gene sequences, were assayed in vitro and in vivo for their ability to inhibit Fusarium culmorum growth and the disease (Fusarium foot rot) it causes in durum wheat. All isolates significantly reduced in vitro growth of F. culmorum in comparison with the control. After 120 hours of incubation, isolates B and G1 showed the greatest mycelial growth inhibition, i.e., respectively, 76 and 74%. When durum wheat “Simeto” seeds were treated with bacterial isolates singly …
Enhancer blocking activity located near the 3′ end of the sea urchin early H2A histone gene
The sea urchin early histone repeating unit contains one copy of each of the five histone genes whose coordinate expression during development is regulated by gene-specific elements. To learn how within the histone repeating unit a gene-specific activator can be prevented to communicate with the heterologous promoters, we searched for domain boundaries by using the enhancer blocking assay. We focused on the region near the 3′ end of the H2A gene where stage-specific nuclease cleavage sites appear upon silencing of the early histone genes. We demonstrated that a DNA fragment of 265 bp in length, defined as sns (for silencing nucleoprotein structure), blocked the enhancer activity of the H2A…
Identification and characterization of PlAlix, the Alix homologue from the Mediterranean sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus.
The sea urchin provides a relatively simple and tractable system for analyzing the early stages of embryo development. Here, we use the sea urchin species, Paracentrotus lividus, to investigate the role of Alix in key stages of embryogenesis, namely the egg fertilization and the first cleavage division. Alix is a multifunctional protein involved in different cellular processes including endocytic membrane trafficking, filamentous (F)-actin remodeling, and cytokinesis. Alix homologues have been identified in different metazoans; in these organisms, Alix is involved in oogenesis and in determination/differentiation events during embryo development. Herein, we describe the identification of th…
Gene expression during early embryogenesis of sea urchin: The histone and homeobox genes
Transcriptional regulators are thought to play a key role in cell fate determination and territorial specification in sea urchin. Our goals are to clone transcription factors for studying embryonic development. One approach has been to use promoter binding and gene transfer technology to investigate the mechanisms of transcriptional activation and repression of the early H2A histone gene. By this analysis we identified a transcriptional activator, the MBF-1, that binds to the modulator element of the H2A gene and enhances the activity of the H2A promoter. However, the enhancer activity of the modulator and its interaction with MBF-1 also occurs at the gastrula stage when the early histone g…
cis-Regulatory sequences driving the expression of the Hbox12 homeobox-containing gene in the presumptive aboral ectoderm territory of the Paracentrotus lividus sea urchin embryo
AbstractEmbryonic development is coordinated by networks of evolutionary conserved regulatory genes encoding transcription factors and components of cell signalling pathways. In the sea urchin embryo, a number of genes encoding transcription factors display territorial restricted expression. Among these, the zygotic Hbox12 homeobox gene is transiently transcribed in a limited number of cells of the animal-lateral half of the early Paracentrotus lividus embryo, whose descendants will constitute part of the ectoderm territory. To obtain insights on the regulation of Hbox12 expression, we have explored the cis-regulatory apparatus of the gene. In this paper, we show that the intergenic region …
Regulation of the sea urchin early H2A histone gene expression depends on the modulator element and on sequences located near the 3' end
Abstract Transcription of the sea urchin early histone genes occurs transiently during early cleavage, reaching the maximum at the morula stage and declining to an undetectable level at the gastrula stage. To identify the regulatory elements responsible for the timing and the levels of transcription of the H2A gene, we used promoter binding studies in nuclear extracts and microinjection of a CAT transgene driven by the early H2A promoter. We found that morula and gastrula nuclear proteins produced indistinguishable DNase I footprint patterns on the H2A promoter. Two sites of interactions, centred on the modulator/enhancer and on the CCAAT box respectively, were detected. Deletion of the mod…
Different micrococcal nuclease cleavage patterns characterize transcriptionally active and inactive sea-urchin histone genes.
Micrococcal nuclease (MNase) and DNaseI have made a great contribution to our present understanding of the structural organization of the eucaryotic genome [l - 31. The enhanced sensitivity of active portions of the genome to DNaseI gave, in fact, the first indication of differences in the nucleoproteic arrangement of the transcribed as compared to the silent DNA regions [4]. The use of MNase, as a probe of the chromatin organization of specific genes in the active and inactive state, provided additional evidence for this and further showed that the packing of several coding segments of DNA in a regular array of nucleosomal particles is severely but reversibly affected by the transcriptiona…
Functional characterization of the enhancer blocking element of the sea urchin early histone gene cluster reveals insulator properties and three essential cis-acting sequences
Insulator elements can be functionally identified by their ability to shield promoters from regulators in a position-dependent manner or their ability to protect adjacent transgenes from position effects. We have previously reported the identification of a 265 bp sns DNA fragment at the 3' end of the sea urchin H2A early histone gene that blocked expression of a reporter gene in transgenic embryos when placed between the enhancer and the promoter. Here we show that sns interferes with enhancer-promoter interaction in a directional manner. When sns is placed between the H2A modulator and the inducible tet operator, the modulator is barred from interaction with the basal promoter. However, th…
Developmental effects of the protein kinase inhibitor kenpaullone on the sea urchin embryo
The selection and validation of bioactive compounds require multiple approaches, including in-depth analyses of their biological activity in a whole-animal context. We exploited the sea urchin embryo in a rapid, medium-scale range screening to test the effects of the small synthetic kinase inhibitor kenpaullone. We show that sea urchin embryos specifically respond to this molecule depending on both dose and timing of administration. Phenotypic effects of kenpaullone are not immediately visible, since this molecule affects neither the fertilization nor the spatial arrangement of blastomeres at early developmental stages. Nevertheless, kenpaullone exposure from the beginning of embryogenesis …