Alejandro Pezzola
Seasonal Mapping of Irrigated Winter Wheat Traits in Argentina with a Hybrid Retrieval Workflow Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
Earth observation offers an unprecedented opportunity to monitor intensively cultivated areas providing key support to assess fertilizer needs and crop water uptake. Routinely, vegetation traits mapping can help farmers to monitor plant development along the crop’s phenological cycle, which is particularly relevant for irrigated agricultural areas. The high spatial and temporal resolution of the Sentinel-2 (S2) multispectral instrument leverages the possibility to estimate leaf area index (LAI), canopy chlorophyll content (CCC), and vegetation water content (VWC) from space. Therefore, our study presents a hybrid retrieval workflow combining a physically-based strategy with a machine learni…
Quantifying Irrigated Winter Wheat LAI in Argentina Using Multiple Sentinel-1 Incidence Angles
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data provides an appealing opportunity for all-weather day or night Earth surface monitoring. The European constellation Sentinel-1 (S1) consisting of S1-A and S1-B satellites offers a suitable revisit time and spatial resolution for the observation of croplands from space. The C-band radar backscatter is sensitive to vegetation structure changes and phenology as well as soil moisture and roughness. It also varies depending on the local incidence angle (LIA) of the SAR acquisition’s geometry. The LIA backscatter dependency could therefore be exploited to improve the retrieval of the crop biophysical variables. The availability of S1 radar time-series data at d…
Synergy of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series for Cloud-Free Vegetation Water Content Mapping with Multi-Output Gaussian Processes
Optical Earth Observation is often limited by weather conditions such as cloudiness. Radar sensors have the potential to overcome these limitations, however, due to the complex radar-surface interaction, the retrieving of crop biophysical variables using this technology remains an open challenge. Aiming to simultaneously benefit from the optical domain background and the all-weather imagery provided by radar systems, we propose a data fusion approach focused on the cross-correlation between radar and optical data streams. To do so, we analyzed several multiple-output Gaussian processes (MOGP) models and their ability to fuse efficiently Sentinel-1 (S1) Radar Vegetation Index (RVI) and Senti…
Fire severity estimation in southern of the Buenos Aires province, Argentina, using Sentinel-2 and its comparison with Landsat-8
[EN] Assessment of rural fire severity is fundamental to evaluate fire damages and to analyze recovery processes in a low-cost and efficient way. Burnt areas covering shrubs and grasslands were estimated in more than 30,000 km2 in Argentina from December 2016 to January 2017. The study area presented in this work is located in the South of the Buenos Aires province, and it covers a semiarid area with the presence of xerophilous shrubs and grasslands. This is one of the most abundant ecosystem in Central and Southern Argentina. Field campaigns were carried out over the area affected by the fire in order to georreference the burnt plots and characterized the fire severity in 5 levels. The obj…
Clasificación de usos del suelo a partir de imágenes Sentinel-2
[EN] Sentinel-2 (S2), a new ESA satellite for Earth observation, accounts with 13 bands which provide high-quality radiometric images with an excellent spatial resolution (10 and 20 m) ideal for classification purposes. In this paper, two objectives have been addressed: to determine the best classification method for S2, and to quantify its improve-ment with respect to the SPOT operational mission. To do so, four classifiers (LDA, RF, Decision Trees, K-NN) have been selected and applied to two different agricultural areas located in Valencia (Spain) and Buenos Aires (Argentina). All classifiers were tested using, on the one hand, all the S2 bands and, on the other hand, only selecting those…