Peter P. Richter
Structural overprint of a late Paleozoic accretionary system in north-central Chile (34°-35°S) during post-accretional deformation
En la Cordillera de la Costa de Chile, de 36° a 35°S, se encuentra expuesta la arquitectura coherentemente preservada de un prisma de acrecion del Paleozoico tardio, en cercana vecindad a un area entre los 34° y 35°S, donde el mismo esta fuertemente modificado por procesos postacrecionales. Estudiando las desviaciones de la arquitectura original, en esta region pueden ser perfectamente distinguidas estructuras sin- y post acrecionales. Al sur de los 35° se observa un contacto transicional entre dos unidades mayores, el cual refleja un cambio continuo en el modo de acrecion de la cuna acrecional antes de -305 Ma: las metagrauvacas estructuralmente suprayacentes de las series orientales muest…
Structural contacts in subduction complexes and their tectonic significance: the Late Palaeozoic coastal accretionary wedge of central Chile
Understanding the contact between the very low-grade metagreywacke of the Eastern Series and high-pressure metamorphosed schist of the Western Series in the Late Palaeozoic accretionary wedge of central Chile is fundamental for the understanding of the evolution of ancient accretionary wedges. We show the progressive development of structures and finite strain from the least deformed rocks in the eastern part of the Eastern Series of the accretionary wedge to high-pressure schist of the Western Series at the Pacific coast. Upright chevron folds of sedimentary layering are associated with an axial-plane foliation, S1. As the F1 folds became slightly overturned to the west, S1 was folded abou…
Normal faulting at convergent plate boundaries: Mylonitic extensional fabrics in the Franciscan subduction complex in Del Puerto Canyon, California, revisited
[1] Using a strain and rotation analysis we tested the hypotheses that top-east mylonitic extensional structures in the uppermost Franciscan subduction complex in Del Puerto Canyon, California, accomplished exhumation of the Franciscan blueschists. We found no evidence of strongly noncoaxial deformation, instead our data indicate overall coaxial deformation in the proposed zone of mylonitic extensional deformation. There are no extensional strains, moderate vertical shortening occurred without horizontal extension and was compensated by modest deformation-related volume loss. There is also no strain gradient toward and within the proposed shear zone. Therefore the results of our work indica…