Ruoli Wang
In vivo 3D muscle architecture quantification based on 3D freehand ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging
Muscle architecture parameters, such as the fascicle length, pennation angle, and volume, are important muscle morphology characteristics. Accurate in vivo quantification of these parameters allows to detect changes due to pathologies, interventions, and rehabilitation trainings, which ultimately impact on muscles’ force-producing capacity. In this study, we compared three-dimensional (3D) muscle architecture parameters of the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius medialis, which were quantified by 3D freehand ultrasound (3DfUS) and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), respectively. Sixteen able-bodied subjects were recruited where seven of them receiv…
In vivo muscle morphology comparison in post-stroke survivors using ultrasonography and diffusion tensor imaging.
AbstractSkeletal muscle architecture significantly influences the performance capacity of a muscle. A DTI-based method has been recently considered as a new reference standard to validate measurement of muscle structure in vivo. This study sought to quantify muscle architecture parameters such as fascicle length (FL), pennation angle (PA) and muscle thickness (tm) in post-stroke patients using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and to quantitatively compare the differences with 2D ultrasonography (US) and DTI. Muscle fascicles were reconstructed to examine the anatomy of the medial gastrocnemius, posterior soleus and tibialis anterior in seven stroke survivors using US- and DTI-based techniques…