Attention to diversity in Madrilenian classrooms. Teachers’ opinions
City marathons have evolved and grown exponentially in type and popularity, in their managerial complexity, and in terms of their financial impact on their host cities and the attraction of corporate sponsors. Most of the research on city marathons has focused on evaluating their broad economic, urban, tourist, social, sporting, and symbolic effects on host cities. However, less attention has been paid to analyzing key strategic decisions that could account for the evolution and growth of specific marathons and their influences on their management and success. This article, which addresses the cases of the Bank of America Chicago Marathon and the Marathon Valencia Trinidad Alfonso, examines…
Prácticas e identificaciones transnacionales en el fútbol europeo: un estudio referido a nueve países = Transnational practices and identifications in European football: A study focused in nine countries
Resumen: Este artículo presenta los principales hallazgos empíricos de un estudio sobre las prácticas e identificaciones de carácter transnacional que se han desarrollado en el espacio social del fútbol europeo durante las últimas décadas como consecuencia de los procesos de globalización. El objetivo del estudio ha consistido en identificar y cuantificar la emergencia de patrones de consumo e identificación que trascienden las fronteras del Estado-nación al que aquellos estuvieron confinados desde el surgimiento y desarrollo de este deporte. El sustento empírico del trabajo procede de una encuesta realizada dentro del proyecto de investigación Football Research in an Enlarged Europe (FREE)…
Understanding the expansion of running from a social practice theory perspective. A case study focused on the city of Valencia
Running is a physical-sport practice that has gained enormous popularity and diffusion in the last two decades in most European countries, which has sparked research interest from social scientists...
La participación cultural de la juventud catalana en el tránsito a una sociedad digital - Dimensiones estructurales y sociotipos
espanolEste articulo proporciona un analisis de las practicas culturales de la juventud catalana en el contexto de la revolucion digital y de su impacto en la reconfiguracion del campo cultural. La investigacion se propone identificar las principales dimensiones que articulan el campo cultural, asi como el modo en que la juventud se agrupa y estratifica en torno a esas dimensiones. El estudio se basa en datos del Barometro de la Comunicacion y la Cultura de Cataluna, una encuesta realizada en 2013 que conto con una muestra de 1.365 jovenes. Los resultados muestran una rearticulacion del espacio cultural que corre en paralelo al proceso de digitalizacion y que no solo supone una redefinicion…
Supporters’ attitudes towards European football governance: structural dimensions and sociodemographic patterns
The role of fans in football governance is a topic of increasing academic and political interest. This article offers a quantitative approach to investigate supporters’ opinions of governance structures in European football. It asks whether fans trust governing bodies, clubs, leagues and other stakeholders currently in charge of football governance. It also investigates the extent to which fans consider they should have a direct say on how football clubs are governed. Drawing on concepts from sports governance literature, an online survey collects opinions of football fans in six European countries (United Kingdom, Spain, Turkey, Poland, France, and Germany). The results indicate a high lev…