G Traina

Trasformazioni del paesaggio e conservazione degli habitat nella zona umida di Vendicari (Sicilia)

Il sito Natura 2000 “Vendicari” (ITA090002) si colloca in un più ampio sistema di zone umide costiere della Sicilia Sud-orientale. La particolarità di questi ambienti è legata alla presenza di lagune costiere e di formazioni vegetali che generalmente si trovano a contatto con esse. Questi ambienti costituiscono l’habitat per diverse specie, nonché esclusivi punti di sosta per molti uccelli migratori. Queste aree, un tempo più estese in Sicilia, durante il secolo scorso sono state sottoposte a disturbi e trasformazioni ambientali e paesaggistiche con conseguente riduzione della biodiversità. Le cause che hanno determinato maggiormente tali trasformazioni sono legate allo sfruttamento agricol…

research product


The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in some bacterial species of colonic microbiota, the clinical signs and the intestinal changes in mice with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS) induced colitis. CD-1 male mice were randomly divided into three groups and inoculated intrarectally with saline ethanol or TNBS solutions. ethanol and TNBS treatments induced weight loss accompained by mild and severe inflammation of the colon mucosa, respectively. however, TNBS-treated mice displayed significant differences compared to the saline group in terms of disease activity index and histological scoring. Both ethanol and TNBS groups showed an increased prevalence of escherichia …

research product

Resilienza delle foreste mediterranee. Le buone pratiche del progetto RESILFORMED.

The Resilformed LIFE project aims to preserve forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean against the risks resulting from climate change, through naturalization, increase biodiversity and improved responsiveness in the recovery process from destabilizing events. The article illustrates the best practices identified through the analysis provided by the project and the system to evaluate different interventions summarized in a survey form.

research product

Gestione sostenibile delle foreste Mediterranee e uso energetico delle biomasse forestali residuali

he book describes the reasons that led the Regional Department of Rural and Territorial Development to take part in the PROFORBIOMED Project. They can be summarized by the need to dispose of a tool for the sustainable management of all the state-owned forests of the Region. As a matter of fact, the Project aims at developing a model of sustainable forest management, through the recovery and reuse of wood scraps from ordinary silvicultural operations, to be used for the production of power and heat inside of a process adopting natural renewable energy sources. The main actions taken and the methodologies adopted are described, as well as the principles and instruments required for the settin…

research product