E. Borghesan

Nature of a Pigmented Substance in the Labyrinth

The pigment existing in the loose connective tissue of the posterior labyrinth is originated by hemorrhage, pathological or “physiological” inflammations and wearing out of tissues. Such pigment is contained in macrophages.

research product

Absorption And Transferring Of The Coghlear Fluids

The perilymph is absorbed in the loose connective tissue of the modio-lum, the endolymph is absorbed in the planum limbi and the interstitial liquid of the organ of Corti in the inner spiral sulcus. The basin of the vein of the aqueduct of the cochlea in a fetal phase transfers almost only perilymph. When fully developed, many veins of the above-said basin are obliterated and the remaining ones transfer more blood than perilymph. From the interstitial spaces of the limbus the endolymph flows into the capillaries towards the inner auditory veins and the interstitial liquid of the organ of Corti flows towards the same veins by means of short lymphatic vessels.

research product

On the Significance of the Intraganglionic Spiral Bundle

(1959). On the Significance of the Intraganglionic Spiral Bundle. Acta Oto-Laryngologica: Vol. 50, No. 1-2, pp. 154-162.

research product

An experimental contribution to the physiopathology of the cochlea.

research product

On the Function of the Spiral Prominence

The suppression of hematic circulation of the internal auditory artery of a guinea-pig causes the necrosis of all anatomic formations of the cochlear duct, with the exception of the organ of Corti of the vestibular segment. The author confirms his hypothesis about the origin of the cochlear endolymph and thinks that the prominence provides the vegetative life of the organ of Corti.

research product

Glandular structures in the planum semilunatum.

research product

Development and Function of the Spiral Canlicular System

The canalicular spiral system derives from the epithelium of the outer spiral sulcus and extends towards the prominence and the spiral ligament. The comparison between the development of the canalicular spiral system and that of other cochlear structures induces the author to con-firm what he suggested in 1949 about the secreting modality of the cochlear endolymph.

research product