Jarkko Keränen

Depicting signs and different text genres : Preliminary observations in the corpus of Finnish sign language

In this article we first discuss the different kinds of signs occurring in sign languages and then concentrate on depicting signs, especially on their classification in Finnish Sign Language. Then we briefly describe the corpora of Finland's sign languages (CFINSL). The actual study concerns the occurrences of depicting signs in CFINSL in different text genres, introductions, narratives and free discussions. Depicting signs occurred most frequently in narratives, second most frequently in discussions and least frequently in introductions. The most frequent depicting signs in all genres were those that depicted the whole entity moving or being located. The second most frequent were those sig…

research product

The Usability of the Annotation

Several corpus projects for sign languages have tried to establish conventions and standards for the annotation of signed data. When discussing corpora, it is necessary to develop a way of considering and evaluating holistically the features and problems of annotation. This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework for the evaluation of the usability of annotations. The purpose of the framework is not to give conventions for annotating but to offer tools for the evaluation of the usability of the annotation, in order to make annotations more usable and make it possible to justify and explain decisions about annotation conventions. Based on our experience of annotation in the corpus proje…

research product

Käsiotteen ja viittomakielisen käsimuodon välinen ikonisuus kognitiivis-semioottisesta näkökulmasta

Maisterintutkitelmassani tarkastelen käsiotteen ja viittomakielisen käsimuodon välistä ikonisuutta. Perinteisesti on todettu, että käsiote voi motivoida ikonisesti käsimuotoa siten, että käsimuoto muistuttaa käsiotetta. Toisaalta käsiote–käsimuoto-ikonisuuden toteaminen ei selitä kattavasti sitä, miten käsiote muodostetaan, eikä siksi sitä, miten käsimuoto muodostetaan. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on siksi syventää ymmärrystä käsiotteen ja käsimuodon välisestä ikonisuudesta soveltamalla käsiotetutkimusta viitottuun kieleen. Tutkimuksella on mahdollisia kontribuutioita kielen tutkimukseen, opetukseen ja teknologiaan. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa edustaa kognitiivista semiotiikkaa, joka on transdis…

research product

Iconic strategies in lexical sensory signs in Finnish Sign Language

Abstract Iconic strategies—methods of making iconic forms—have been mostly considered in terms of concrete semantic fields such as actions and objects. In this article, I investigate iconic strategies in lexical sensory signs—signs that semantically relate to the five senses (sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste) and to emotions (e.g., anger)—in Finnish Sign Language. The iconic strategy types I discuss are hand-action, entity, drawing, and locating. I also discuss the indexical strategy type (e.g., finger pointing). To gain as rich and broad a view as possible, the mixed methods in the research consist of three components: intuition based, intersubjective, and statistical analyses. The ma…

research product