Nina Loimusalo
Silent Reading and Aural Models in Pianists’ Mental Practice
This study addresses musicians’ learning outcomes and subjective experiences in two common types of mental practice: silent score reading and score reading while listening to the music. The study incorporates expert ratings of performances before and after mental practice, questionnaire data concerning modal preferences, as well as semi-structured interviews. The results revealed individual differences in learning outcomes, attitudes toward the two types of mental practice, and the use of imagery. The participants’ attitudes and strategies were variously affected by their ability to audiate newly encountered music, their possible preference for learning by ear, and their need to process the…
Successful approaches to mental practice : A case study of four pianists
Musicians often use mental practice for enhancing performance, but individuals may have different preferences and skills in their characteristic, individually successful ways of carrying out such practice. In this study, we focus on the approaches to mental practice of four pianists who, according to the ratings of a panel of expert judges, showed outstanding improvement in their performances following their mental practice of a new piece in at least one of the two conditions: silent reading of the score or reading the score while simultaneously listening to the music. The four pianists’ approaches to mental practice were studied through self-reports in post-task interviews that were compar…
Expert pianists’ practice perspectives: A production and listening study
The purpose of this study was to investigate how professional pianists practice music for a concert, and whether their individual cognitive orientations in such practice processes can be identified accurately from the resulting performances. In Study I, four pianists, previously found to be skilled music memorizers, practiced and performed a short piece by André Jolivet over the course of two weeks, during which their practice strategies were studied using semi-structured interviews, and analyses of practice diaries, practice activities, and eye-movement data. The results indicate that the pianists used similar basic strategies but had different cognitive orientations, here called “practic…
Mentaaliharjoittelu osana pianonsoiton ammattiopiskelijoiden harjoittelustrategioita
Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus oli selvittää, millä tavoin pianonsoiton ammattiopiskelijat käyttävät mentaaliharjoittelua osana harjoittelustrategioitaan. Selvitin puolistrukturoidun kyselykaavakkeen avulla pianonsoiton ammattiopiskelijoiden mentaaliharjoittelun käyttöä, ja siihen liittyviä asenteita mentaaliharjoittelun tapojen, -kohteiden ja -ehtojen konteksteissa. Lisäksi toissijaisena tutkimuskohteena kartoitin opiskelijoiden harjoittelun määrään ja laatuun liittyviä asenteita, sekä sitä, kuinka paljon he kokivat keskustelevansa instrumenttiopettajansa kanssa harjoittelun laadullisista ja määrällisistä elementeistä. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, että musiikin soiva kuvittelu, sekä nuotin analyyttin…