Kārlis Kupčs

Intrakraniālu aneirismu endovaskulāras un ķirurģiskas ārstēšanas metodes izvēle, rezultāti un pamatojums

Intrakraniālu aneirismu endovaskulāras un ķirurģiskas ārstēšanas metodes izvēle, rezultāti un pamatojums. Promocijas darbs medicīnas zinātņu doktora grāda iegūšanai ķirurģijas specialitātē Dr.Kārlis Kupčs Anotācija. Pēdējo gadu moderno tehnoloģiju attīstība ir pavērusi jaunas iespējas intrakraniālu aneirismu diagnosticēšanai un ārstēšanai. Ilgstoši kā vienīgā radikālā intrakraniālu aneirismu ārstēšanas metode bija neiroķirurģiska operācija, taču relatīvi nesen tika rādīta un arvien plašāk pielietota intrakraniālu aneirismu endovaskulāra embolizācija, kas vairākos atzītos pētījumos ir pieradusi pārākumu ārstēšanas iznākumā. Tomēr jautājums par ārstēšanas taktikas izvēli konkrētā pacienta gad…

research product

Long‐term treatment with the oncolytic ECHO‐7 virus Rigvir of a melanoma stage IV M1c patient, a small cell lung cancer stage IIIA patient, and a histiocytic sarcoma stage IV patient‐three case reports

Oncolytic virotherapy is a recent addition to cancer treatment. Here, we describe positive treatment outcomes in three patients using Rigvir virotherapy. One of the patients is diagnosed with melanoma stage IV M1c, one with small cell lung cancer stage IIIA, and one with histiocytic sarcoma stage IV. The diagnoses of all patients are verified by histology or cytology. All patients started Rigvir treatment within a few months after being diagnosed and are currently continuing Rigvir treatment. The degree of regression of the disease has been determined by computed tomography. Safety assessment of adverse events graded according to NCI CTCAE did not show any value above grade 1 during Rigvir(…

research product

Fatty liver indexandhepatic steatosis index for prediction ofnon-alcoholic fatty liver disease in type 1 diabetes

Background and Aim Little is known about the diagnostic value of hepatic steatosis index (HSI) and fatty liver index (FLI), as well as their link to metabolic syndrome in type 1 diabetes mellitus. We have screened the effectiveness of FLI and HSI in an observational pilot study of 40 patients with type 1 diabetes. Methods FLI and HSI were calculated for 201 patients with type 1 diabetes. Forty patients with FLI/HSI values corresponding to different risk of liver steatosis were invited for liver magnetic resonance study. In-phase/opposed-phase technique of magnetic resonance was used. Accuracy of indices was assessed from the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. Results Tw…

research product

Single-Center Retrospective Series of Intracranial Aneurysms Treated with the Barricade Coil System: Immediate and Six-Month Results

Abstract Intracranial aneurysms (IAs) are most commonly found at the branch points of large arteries that form the circle of Willis. The prevalence of IAs in the adult population is 1–5%. IAs rupture is associated with subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) in 6–8 cases per 100 000 population, causing mortality in 40–50%. Aneurysm treatment is used to prevent rupture or rebleeding (for ruptured IAs). Randomised trials demonstrated the superiority of endovascular treatment (EVT) of ruptured aneurysms with coil systems over surgery. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Barricade coil system in the treatment of intracranial aneurysms. Detachable platinum coils, since the…

research product